Meeting Your Family

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Sherlock Holmes: He wasn't nervous at all; you weren't either. However, you were afraid that Sherlock was going to do a....... well, a Sherlock thing. Your family has heard of the famous Sherlock Holmes: the consulting detective with the funny hat. They were prepared for him. They though he was rather strange but honest. They liked him with you. They can see that you make him feel sentiment.

John Watson: You were not nervous at all; John, on the other hand, was really nervous. Your family was more of the 'laid-back' type so there was no reason for John to be nervous. He was polite as always and tried to hide his nervousness. Your family approved the relationship.

Greg Lestrade: Your little sibling (you pick brother or sister) is having a birthday party and you wanted Greg to be there. At the party, you introduced him to your family and they liked him. Especially your younger sibling.

Mycroft Holmes: This is Mycroft Holmes; he wasn't nervous and you shouldn't be either. You all just sat down and drank tea. They liked him.

Jim Moriarty: You were sort of nervous; not because Jim Moriarty is crazy, but because he asked you to meet your family. When he spoke to your family, they were convinced that he was normal. They like him and approved the relationship.

Sebastian Moran: Being a hit-man to Jim Moriarty, he kept on rescheduling on you. When he finally had a free night, you set up dinner for your family and Sebastian. He was 'mostly' telling the truth about himself and your family were satisfied with your choice of partner.

Molly Hooper: You were not nervous about Molly meeting your family; it was the fact you were going to introduce her to your family as your girlfriend. When she told them, at first they didn't like the fact that their daughter is dating another girl, not a boy. Molly then tells them how much you make her happy and that she loves you. The family admires her for speaking up and they liked her with you.

Mary Morstan: You two weren't nervous at all. She was polite towards them and your family approves the relationship.

Eurus Holmes: You had to bring your family to Sherrinford in order to meet Eurus thanks to Mycroft. They were confused about why Eurus was there. You had to explain why and they were more nervous about her. Anytime Eurus spoke, it creeped out your parents. At the end, they are officially scared of her, but as long as she makes you happy, they approved.

Irene Adler: Bring a dominatrix to your house to meet your family. This was going to end well. Surprisingly, she was really polite and didn't make a sex joke or say anything sex-related. Your family likes her and approved the relationship, but they didn't know she was a dominatrix. After she met your family, she 'thanked' you for a lovely time ;).

A/N: Besides Sherlock, what other fandoms are you involved in?

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