Chapter |24| Drunken Hotness

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 Life, surprisingly, has been great

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Life, surprisingly, has been great. I admit that I do wish I could see Gabi more, since we returned back home. I miss her, more than I should, which scares me.

I'm starting to get attached to her, get used to her. That should be good, but for me, it's not.

My line of work is dangerous and unpredictable. One day I could be completely fine and the next, I could have a bullet in my chest.

My world is dangerous and now I've dragged Gabi into it.

She's too sweet, too innocence for such things, like killing. It's apart of the job description and I'm sure she has inkling that I'm a killer but I don't think she wants to admit it to herself.

I like her a lot and now that we've gotten more... intimate it's just increased the electricity between us. When I'm at work I constantly want to be with her, but when I'm with her, I'm constantly worrying about work.

I'm secretly kind of glad my father decided to move the wedding up. It means I get to make her mine quicker and it also means that we get to go on our honeymoon soon too.

I can't wait to show her the surprise I have planned and two weeks alone together, no distractions or other people sounds like heaven.

I plan to sleep with her then too. During our honeymoon, after I tell her I feel. I want it to be perfect because she deserves nothing less.

Destiny tried to contact me a few times but I've ignored every one of her calls and instructed security not to let her in. I know Gabi said she didn't mind us being friends but I know Destiny all too well. She'll try to create trouble between the two of us and right now I don't want to have deal with her.

Gabi's changing. I don't know whether it's because I'm not around as much as I was before or she's just going through a phase. She's partying more, becoming more wild, getting drunk, doing things I never thought she would.

To be honest, I think she's slowly turning into my sister and I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

My phone starts to vibrate on my desk and I glance at the screen, seeing Danny's face plastered on it. I sigh, knowing that I have a lot of work to do, so I let it ring. I'm in the middle of going through our bank statements, when it rings again, then again, then again.

Finally I pick up, only to go half death by Danny screaming into the phone.

"She's gone!" He screams, sounding out of breath, like he's running. My jaw clenched and I hold onto the desk so tight, my fist turns white.

"What the fuck do you mean?" I seethed, my voice going extremely quiet.

"It was quiet in Kira's room, so I checked and they're both gone and the window was open." I slam my fist on the table and immediately grab my coat and car keys.

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