Chapter |41| The Strength Of A Mother

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G A B I ' S  P.O.V

"Okay, I think I've managed to pinpoint their location. Head to the Sierra de Guadarrama mountains. There seems to be some sort secret bunker, hidden within the mountains. That's where he is." I sent Maddox a grateful smile, knowing that without him none of this would have been possible.

Perhaps it was all fate. Maybe Sergio's men attacking the night Maddox came over was meant to be.

"It's okay baby, we're going to get him back." Ryder whispers, planting a kiss onto my temple. I lean into him and pray that for just once in my life, everything goes according to plan.

The helicopter landed near a forest, leading up to the entrance of the bunker. Ryder ordered most of his men to surround the whole perimeter of the mountain, whilst the rest join us as we attempt to infiltrate from the inside.

Antonio chucks me a large military gun, almost too heavy for me to hold, and for a moment I start to doubt myself. Could I really do this? Could I really be this girl? The girl who's brave and fearless, who can shoot and kill someone without a second thought. Then, remembering Kieron gives me all the motivation I need. I can do this. I can be strong.

"Are you okay? You can stay here if you want?" I shake my head and grab Ryder's hand, clasping it tight.

"No, I'm ready. Let's get our baby back." He gives me a half-hearted smile and then leans down to kiss me. This kiss is different than the rest. So many different emotions are poured into it and the sheer intensity of it, makes me feel a little light headed.

"I love you." He whispers, but my face drops when I realise the way he said it. As if he was saying good bye.

He kissed my head, before dropping it and storming over to the front. I decided it was best to stay near Maddox in the middle, since being with Ryder would just make me an easy target and I know he would get too distracted trying to protect me.

It was me, Ryder, Maddox, Antonio, Damon, Danny and four others that went in. Danny uses silent grenade to blow a whole in the mountain, just big enough for us to fit through. Maddox helped me down and then we slowly tiptoed through the dark tunnel.

This whole placed looked like it was something out of a horror film. There were red lights flashing above us, water dripping down onto us, mud and puddle covering the floors. I couldn't help but move a little closer to Maddox. Sending my fear, he wrapped a comforting arm around me and gave me a small kiss on the forehead.

Suddenly the light flicked on and the sounds of gun firing, made me scream. I looked around to see the four men, who came to help us, all lying on the floor with at least three bullets in each other.

"Well, well, well. It's about time." The cold voice that plagues my nightmares said, before cackling, like the sick bastard he is.

"What you didn't think I knew you were following me? Please, give me some credit. After all I did manage to steal your wife, then your baby and then flew out of the country."

"If you knew, then why did you stay?" Ryder sneered, the anger in his voice unmissable.

"Because I want this to end here. I'm tired of the chase. Sure, it was fun watching you run around after me but now I just want I deserve."

"Which is?" I wanted to scream at Ryder to stop. I know exactly what he was doing. He was trying to provoke Sergio, and I've been in the other end of his anger before.

"I want to watch you crumble. I want to watch the great Ryder Romano beg on his knees. I want to watch you cry and plead. I want to watch you suffer. Suffer the way I did when my family was ripped away from me. Before it was hard, there wasn't much you cared about. There was only your sister and your gang really, but that was no fun. I wanted to watch you self-destruct as I took the things you loved most and make them mine." He snapped his fingers and out walked a short balding man, carrying a small bundle of blue.

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