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Meredith's pov:
When I slowly wake back up from my nap, I feel all warm and loved. Strange! Normally I feel absolutely terrified and sad for being so weak!
„Good morning Sweetheart!" janes angelic voice says. Making me look at her right away. Seeing my other mates also around me, purring lowly. They are still there! They haven't run away from me! Feeling my eyes stinging from the tears that come to my eyes.
„You are Here!" I whisper softly touching janes hand, wanting to make sure they really are here and that my eyes aren't playing a trick on me.
„Of course we are here princess. Nowhere we would rather be! Love you!" he says lowly from his purring. His head nuzzling my neck lovingly.
„Demetri is right Love. We love you!" alec reply's with shining eyes, his head slowly getting closer until his soft lips touch mine in a loving kiss.
„I want kisses too!" felix whines and pecks my lips a few time making me giggle. Loving them being so close to me and relieved beyond words that they still look at me with love in their eyes! I really thought that they will be afraid of me and leave the second they got the time. But my mates, my beautiful mates have stayed! They love me! They really love me. My heart ache now completely gone, since I told them and they still are here. A soft knock on my door let's me look a bit confused.
„Come in." I say and see my brother with emmet and jasper entering. A smile builds itself on my lips the second I see them.
„My fair lady! I am so happy you are awake again!" jasper says and pulls me out of my mates arms. What's a bit confusing is that they don't growl like they normally always did. They only smile softly at us.
„Hmm. Happy too Jasy!" I mumble in his comforting chest.
„Are you feeling better?" Carlisle questions me hopefully and I quickly nod at him.
„i feel good! They haven't run away from me!" I answer him with a relieved smile. I see his sad face before it changes into a soft smile.
„Your mates would never run from you limma bean! They love you lots! Haven't left your side for a second while you were sleeping peacefully!" emmet explains with an honest smile. I smile even wider at hearing that, my mates stayed by my side even though i was soundly asleep. The warm feeling throughout my chest gets even stronger after hearing that.
„Wouldn't leave you ever!" alec says suddenly standing so close to me. I reach out my arms and he without a second thought or hesitation hugs me tightly into himself.
„No one of us would!" I hear my other mates say before their arms curl around me as well. Now being in the middle of their tight embraces. I feel extremely loved and cared for! Slowly understanding what this whole mate thing really feels like and what it means! My family had explained how it is, but now with my own mates I finally seem to slowly understand how truly awesome it is. It's the knowledge of unconditional love! And That realization makes me so unbelievable happy I can't even put it into words!
„Sorry to interrupt but I think you should eat after the stressful day. We both know that it usually helps you to get back your energy level." Carlisle softly says and my mates right away agree with him that I should drink some blood. Felix already holding out a blood bag towards me with a soft look in his eyes.
„Here babe. Your brother knows you best. So drink up." he says and kisses my lips before handing the bag over. With a confused frown I look at him. Since when are they so calm around them? Don't get me wrong I am more than happy that they get along so good, but I do find it kind of strange...
„We talked with one another love. Your family and we want you happy, safe and loved. Therefore we have the same goal. So no more frowns on that way too beautiful face of yours!" alec explains with a loving smile. After looking at jasper who also nods at me in agreement my face splits in two in pure joy! Smiling at them all before biting into the blood bag and draining it dry. Feeling myself getting stronger with each time i swallow. When it's empty emmet takes it out of my hand and softly kisses my forehead.
„Your pumpkin would like to see you. She was worried when she saw your mates carrying your sleeping body." he says and I feel myself look down again. Ashamed of frightening the little girl. She shouldn't have to see me like this ever!
„Can you get her?" I ask no one in particular but I can feel someone leaving only to return right away.
„Auntie!!" Renesmee says with wide and relieved eyes. Quickly taking the little one out of Carlisle hand to cuddle her into me. Her cute little hand lays on my cheek and I can feel her worry and confusion. She doesn't know what had happened but the only assumption she could come up with was that someone had hurt me. I can see how she is waiting with the others in the living room, the tears slowly running down her chubby cheeks. They tried to hold her and reassure her that everything is going to be ok, but she doesn't want to be held by anyone other than me. Wants to ask me what had happened and if she can help me.
Choking up a little at the love this little angel has for me.
„I am good now. No need to worry anymore pumpkin! And no, my mated haven't hurt me. No one has. You know How on times Your Auntie needs a break. I only was a bit overwhelmed, ok?" i softly tell her. Wanting to make sure she feels convinced that I am good again.
„My mates have been looking out for me. Even carried me back because I was too tired to walk. Ok?" i go on after a few deep breaths. She watches me closely before slowly nodding at me.
„Love you!" she says, throwing her tiny hands around my neck so she can properly cuddle me back.
„Love you to pumpkin! So much!" I answer kissing her head to the best of my ability's with her hugging me this tightly. When she pulls back she again lays her hand on my cheek with her head slightly tilted to the side and a cute pout on her face. Chuckling at her pleading to stay with me. Kissing her tiny nose before nodding at her, making her squeal happily.
„My little pumpkin is going to stay with me for a bit! Isn't that right Pumpkin?" I tell my mates before asking the little girl in my arms. She right away nods at me in answer.
„How about we cuddle on the bed? Would the little one approves of that idea?" Demetri asks her to which she nods again. Emmet, jasper and Carlisle softly kiss my forehead yet again before leaving us again. However before they do, they tell us to call if we would need anything.

Mated to 4 volturi guardsWhere stories live. Discover now