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Meredith's pov:
When I slowly take a few more steps towards the thrones, I can see that my Pumpkin try's really hard to stay calm. I guess the last memory of them was not good at all.
„Hello everybody! It's a pleasure to finally get to know the little cutie we have heard so much already." aro spoke with an honest smile. Renesmee slowly lifts her head from my chest and instead turns her head towards him.
„Hi." she quietly says with a shy smile on her lips.
„Oh! My darling Meredith wasn't exaggerating, you really are a sweet little girl aren't you?" marcus says and asks her, slowly walking towards us as to not scare the girl in my arms.
„Auntie said you aren't going to hurt me. Right?" she asks him with her head tilted to one side. Making her look like a lost puppy, she is just way to precious!
„Of course not Baby Girl! Your auntie would never allow that and nether would we or your aunties mates. They really love you, you know!?" Marcus answers her softly. After thinking about his answer, she lifts her tiny arms up towards him, indicating for him to take her. He of course smiles brightly as he carefully takes her out of my arms and instead in his strong ones. Her hand softly wanders to his cheek, definitely showing him something if his wide look is something to go by.
„I know baby girl, that wasn't nice of us. But I promise we will make up for that!" he answers her. After that they seem to hit it off right away since they are now giggling and chuckling together. Aro of course standing along with them, both of them looking like doting grandparents if I am honest. The door gets opened again, Marcus quickly shields her with his own body. The situation quickly calms down again since it's caius that has entered and right away goes to Renesmee as well.
„You know, you have a really cutie as niece!" he tells me with so much honesty. It's hard not to start crying at that since they really all are getting along with her. Sighing softly, relieved that everything seems to fall into place.
„Auntie! Aro said you have baked something for me?" the happy voice of my pumpkin throws me out of my day dream. Smiling softly at the excited toddler still in marcus arms.
„Of course I did! Wanted to make you feel welcomed right away!!" I answer her making her face lit up even more if that is even possible!
„You wanna go to the kitchen and see what I made?" I ask even though I already know the answer already. The hectic nods make me giggle at her cuteness yet again.
„Is everyone coming along?" she suddenly asks afraid she might need to leave them already.
„Of course we come along cutie! We want to get to know you better even though I feel already like I do with everything that your auntie has told us and what you have showed us." caius says making my pumpkin giggle again in joy. I don't know how long we all were sitting in the kitchen talking and laughing with my sweet little pumpkin. When we hear hurried footsteps I quickly pick her up while the others stand in front of me so no harm could be done to her.
„Masters, the Callen's are finished with their present and would like to thank you." one of the few guards that were running towards us informs them.
„Very well! Please escort them to the throne room Antonio, we will be meeting them there." aro says and the guards quickly run off again.
„Let's get back to the thrones room baby girl, I am sure your family would like to see you too." marcus tells her still clinging happily onto my arms
„You can meet my family! Yeah!" she says happily clapping her small hands together. Looking into the small gathering around me, I feel my chest warm up at the love shining in all their eyes while looking at my pumpkin. Yeah, they definitely all are my family!
„Let's get going, knowing your uncles they will light up the castle if they can't find you!" alec tells her while tickling her side making her squeal in delight again. Chuckling was heard all around us but we still slowly start our journey back to the thrones room, everyone knowing fully well that Alec's statement was completely true. Demetri and felix Open the Doors once again for all of us, my family already waiting for us. The look more than just relieved to see us all enter the room.
„Carlisle my friend! It's so good to see you and your whole family again! We do hope your present was to your liking." aro says while hugging Carlisle like an old friend would normally do.
„Thank you aro! My whole family is really thankful for it! The last few days were hard since we couldn't find her but now it's finally over." my older brother answers him.
„My fair lady! I do hope our little one wasn't too much trouble!" jasper says making the small girl frown at him.
„Just kidding little one! Know that you and your auntie are the best of friends!" he says with a chuckle that my pumpkin only giggles at.
„Auntie made me cookies and muffins! She is the best!" Renesmee tells them while bouncing in my arms in delight. The whole room watching her softly. Looks like from now on no one will ever be able to hurt my pumpkin again, she has way too many protectors for that. That knowledge makes me feel so much better I can't even put it in words!
„Well, I do hope you thanked her nessy!" Edward says and try's to take her out of my hands. My pumpkin however has another idea and holds on even tighter.
„No! I stay with auntie! Missed her!" she tells him with a wobbling lip.
„Hey, Hey! No need for tears Pumpkin! I am here, no need to cry." I soothingly whisper to her, softly swaying from side to side in hopes that will sooth her further.
„Stay!" She again tells her dad before cuddling herself tighter into me. Edward looks at me a bit apologetic, but I don't know why. I love holding her!! Especially since I only see her so rarely ever since I moved to Italy.
„O, before we forget it. We bought a small wood not too far away from here. I am afraid there won't be as many animals as in your area but it should be enough to satisfy your thirst." marcus tells my family who look rather shocked.
„That, that is really nice of you!" Carlisle says with wide eyes.
„Of Course! We do hope to have you stay for some time and come visit from time to time as well, seeing that our dear Meredith really misses you a lot!" caius answers them with a soft smile towards me.
„Thank you! That means a lot to us! We missed her as well." Edward answers this time with a small nod towards the three kings.
„How about we show you around here?" I ask them knowing they all need to think of what had just happened between them. I also hadn't any idea about them buying a wood so my family could stay for some time, but I am very grateful they did it.
„So, last but not least! The garden!!" I announce happily after showing them their rooms and the common areas as well as the library.
„Wow! You did change that up quit a bit!" Carlisle complements them the second they walked out of the castle.
„Thank you my friend! We tried to make it feel comfortable and we do have to say that everyone enjoys spending time out here." aro answers with a small chuckle.
„Yeah, I don't remember the name but someone hords up books and sits over there under the huge tree there to read them all." caius jumps in on embarrassing me. Everyone of course right away knew that it is me they are talking about.
„I see you haven't changed much limba bean." emmet chuckles since that's how I spent a maturely Of my time back in Forks as well.
„Well, when the shoe fits." I say with a shrug of my shoulder making everyone laugh at me.
„I have some books with me! We can read there? Right?" Renesmee has been perked up ever since she heard that she possibly could read out here in the garden as well.
„Of course you can Baby Girl!" Marcus answers her. Making her clap her hands happily. Well, what can I say, she is just like a smaller version of myself in some points even though she isn't my daughter!

Mated to 4 volturi guardsWhere stories live. Discover now