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Ashton's POV

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Ashton's POV

She was staring at me with her mouth agape.

I chuckled and said. "Come on we're getting late." And moved down the stairs.

After that floor we took the escalators.

Damn! Why is this building so big?

You know it's your building...right?


We finally reached the parking lot after God only knows how much time.

I walked towards the car and opened the door for Aria.

She smiled a little and murmured a small ' thank you '

She looks very tired, did I overload her with work?

I smiled back a little and held my hand on the top so that she doesn't hit her head.

I closed the door and walked to the driver's seat.

"Your address?" I asked her opening my GPS.

She told me her address which I entered on the GPS and started the car. I didn't say anything and neither did she. We stopped at a signal and I peeked at her. She was looking out of the window with a frown on her beautiful face.

"Are you fine?" I asked and she flinched. I raised my brow at her.

"Yes I am. Why do you ask?" She questioned back.

"Just." I said and looked ahead. I heard a light chuckle and my head snapped towards her. I saw a little smile playing on her face. And her smile is really cute, might I inform you.

We reached her place and I couldn't help but notice that it is a very dangerous neighborhood. One of our rival gangs also has their base here.

"How do you usually travel home?" I asked her, curious.

"Subway" She replied and paused shortly before saying. "Thank you for dropping me sir." And she opened the door and got out.

I rolled down the windows to look at her safely going inside.
She went a little forward and suddenly froze when the door of her house opened. A guy who looked a little older than me got out.

Aria looked back at me for a second, her face looking a little pale. Does she know him?

She quickly scurried away to the guy and hugged him, after a few seconds he looked up at me before hugging her back.

What the heck? Is he her boyfriend?

And you are not, so please drive away before you embarrass yourself and I.


I think and drive away not before giving them one last look and they were going inside. I sigh and concentrate on driving, try, might I add.

Aria's POV

I get out of Ashton's car. I just hope there's no one home. And as usual, God decided to show me that he hates me, and the door opened revealing Thomas.

F*ck my life.

Okay, I don't usually curse and have never cursed out loud, just in my thoughts, a few times, like now for example.

I could not let Ashton senses that something was wrong. I can't go explaining anything to just anyone.
So I ran towards Thomas and hugged him. I could feel his whole being freeze. I closed my eyes for a second. This was once a place I used to find comfort in. It's been years since he ever held me close.

"It's my boss, we had important work and it was late so he dropped me. Just hug me back till he leaves." I whispered in his ear and then felt hesitant arms wrap around me.

I close my eyes and a tear drop fell out of my eyes. Whatever he did, I still love him and he still is my brother.

I heard Ashton's car start and drive away and his arms loosened from around me. I quickly wiped my tear off and moved away from him.

"I'm sorry Thomas, he's really my boss and he asked me to help him with tomorrow's meeting of his because I am his PA and I couldn't deny because it's just my second day and I finished all the work as soon as I could, Thomas I was really working, please don't-"

"I'm sorry Annie." I was cut off by Thomas. I looked at him with my eyes widened listening to what he just said.

Annie? He called me Annie? It is a name that he and my parents used to call me. It's been ages since I heard it. I instantly teared up when he suddenly fell on his knees.

"I'm really sorry, I am sorry. I just don't know what got into me these years and I behaved like a lunatic with you and I am really sorry about it princess. I will make it up to you I promise, I know you can't forgive me but please consider my apology after I make it up to you Ria, I love you and for you, I will try my best change myself , I will!"

I got down and hugged him tightly while tears flow freely from my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I love you." He repeated for the nth time now.

And he hugged me back, squeezing me which caused me to hiss a little.

Because of sitting in the alley way yesterday night, it caused a bride on my back and on applying pressure, it hurts.

He immediately let go of me and looked at me with tears flowing out of his eyes.

"I'm sorry princess, did I hurt you? I deserve the worst, I shouldn't have done anything that I did. I'm sorry." He apologized again.

"No Thomas it's not what you did, it's just-" I paused thinking I couldn't tell him about Chase's visit yesterday.

"It's what Aria?" He asked, wiping off his tears.

"Oh nothing. Let's go inside. It's getting cold-"

"Tell me Aria." He cut me off.

"It's nothing." I waved it off, but he was no where near buying it.

I sighed and told him in a small voice. "Chase."

"That bast*rd! I will f*cling kill him!" He exclaimed while I tried to calm him down.

"Thomas calm down, you are the one in the first place who brought him back-" I stopped when I realised what I said.

"I-I'm sorry Thomas I didn't mean it-" I said and trailed off.

"No it's fine. You're right anyway, and don't feel bad princess, I don't expect you to forgive me right now, hell, not even in a million years. So it's fine." He said and I smiled softly at his words.

Yes we had our differences, we had our bad times and we had some nasty past but he is still my big brother and I'm still his baby sister. And I love him as much I did before.

I just hope everything goes fine now.


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