Chapter 6: Telling the Parents

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"Hotaru, sweetie!" Mitsuki said with a cheer as she hugged me. "My perfect daughter-in-law, how's my boy been treating you? Come in, come in!"

"Like a queen." I said as Katsuki turned red and I pulled off my shoes.

"Hey guys." Masaru said as he came up behind his wife and hugged Katsuki. "So is there a purpose behind this surprise visit?"

I looked at Katsuki, who nodded, pushing his jaw forward with a smirk as he put his hands over my stomach from behind.

"Say hello to your grandchild." He grinned while I felt a blush rise in my cheeks, my in-laws jaws dropping at the tiny, little bump that was hardly noticeable.

But the message was still obvious to my in-laws.

Especially Mitsuki.

"...AHHHHHH!" She screamed in ecstasy as she hugged me anew. "Hotaru, how far along are you?"

"A little over 3 months." Katsuki explained. "We didn't want to tell too many people before the first trimester ended."

"Well congratulations, son." Masaru said with a smile as he put his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Hotaru, dear, sweet Hotaru, you are the best daughter-in-law a mother could ask for!" Mitsuki said in excitement as she led me into the living room after Katsuki and Masaru. "How have you been doing, poor thing?"

"Morning sickness has been a beast, but the doctors believe it will be over very soon." I said as I sat down and subconsciously put my hands over the little bump while I rested my head on Katsuki's shoulder.

"I have just the thing!" She said as she ran out and came back in with a big book and can of ginger ale.

"You know exactly what I needed." I smiled as I started drinking it. 

"That, and this." She said as she sat next to me and opened to book.

"Aw Mom. No." Katsuki turned pink as he looked on in mild embarrassment as the book fell open to his baby pictures.

"Aw Mom yes." I said with a laugh. "Now, tell me, what sort of Bakugo pregnancy tendencies should I be aware of?" I asked as I began to flip through the pages and snorting in laughter as Katsuki's face turned pink.

"If your baby is anything like Katsuki, you'll probably start craving the hot and spicy food any day now." She groaned.

"Oh dear." I said quietly. "I like the occasional spice, but you don't mean Katsuki-kun level spice...right?"

Mitsuki's embarrassed smile and shrug only confirmed my suspicions. 

"Dang it. We might need to stock up on antacids." I sighed as I put my hand back over the bump. "Listen here, little baby: take after you mommy, okay? Don't make Mommy eat spicy food all day."

"Don't listen to her." Katsuki teased as he put his hand over my own. "Daddy wants more excuses to eat spicy food."

"Ready?" Katsuki asked as I took a deep breath as we pulled up to my childhood home after we finally escaped the clutches of my dear in-laws.

"I don't know." I said quietly as I looked up at my old house. "Yes, my father has changed and everything, but...but I can't help but be afraid..."

"Afraid of what, baby?" Katsuki asked quietly. "You know I'd never let anyone hurt you...right?"

"Yes, yes, it's not that." I sighed as I put my head on his shoulder. "Katsuki-kun...I didn't grow up in an ideal family situation. Yes, I want kids. I already love the little life inside of me. I'm just afraid I won't be enough."

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