First Dates And Second Chances

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I swear it took everything in me not to publish this chapter and save it for tomorrow but I failed. I'm weak😭.


Mason's POV

"She spent the past two days studying so she's very excited for our date tonight." Max says and I hum a response.

He's talking about Maya. He's been planning their first date and it's all he can talk about.

I look up at him and smile. He looks so happy. If I wasn't sure before, I am now. I did the right thing.

"Are you sure she'll like the restaurant I'm taking her to? What if she hates the place?" His eyes widen

"Max, relax. It's a great place." I assure him.

"Thanks." He gives me a small smile. "Mason, are you sure about this?"

"Sure about what?"

"Maya and I." He nervously taps the kitchen counter.

"Max, I'm sure." He slightly arches his brow in disbelief and I continue. "These past few years have given me the chance to... forget her."

I swallow the aftertaste of the lie and clear my throat. He doesn't say anything but slowly nods. I focus my attention back on the vegetables I'm chopping.

"You know, letting you and Chris move in has got to be the best decision I've ever made." Jesse says as he walks into the room.

"Well, thank you for letting us live here." I chuckle.

"You, Mason," he pats me on the back, "are my favourite housemate."

"Hey!" Max protests and playfully hits his arm. "I'm right here."

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for your date?"

"What time is it?" Max checks his phone and without saying anything else, runs out of the room.

Jesse laughs and sits down on the barstool opposite me.

"I'm glad he finally told Maya he likes her. He's been pining over her for as long as I've known him. I throw the sickest parties here and he's met some of the hottest girls but all he could speak about was Maya."

I give a simple nod, not knowing how to reply to that.

"Never mind Max and his girlfriend." Jesse waves a dismissive hand. "Tell me about you."

"What about me?"

"Any girlfriend or are you like me and like to keep your options open?"

"No, that isn't me. I actually haven't had a girlfriend in ages."

"So you've just been hooking up with girls?" He narrows his eyes.

"Nope." I shake my head and take out a knife from the drawer. "Please pass me that."

He gives me the cutting board with skinless chicken breasts on it.

"Wait, Mason, are you gay?"

I roll my eyes and start cutting the pieces into strips.

"Just because I say I haven't had a girlfriend or hooking up doesn't mean I'm gay." I pause and look up at him. "Would you have a problem if I were gay?"

"No, no." He shakes his head. "I wouldn't."

"Good," I reply with a smile, "I think you're a really cool guy, Jesse. It would suck if I found out otherwise."


"I've been trying to get ahold of her for almost an hour. They won't let me go up unless she authorises it." Max says over the phone.

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