Party Preps And Malls

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By the time I wake up, the sun has already risen and my curtains are open. Since I'm positive I didn't wake up to open them, I assume it was Chris.

I shut my eyes for another minute before opening them again. I sit up and run my hands through my hair. I turn to look at my bedside drawer table, where I put my phone last night.

I reach out my hand to grab it and check the screen. I've got 1% of my battery left. I notice I've got some messages and I unlock the phone.  Before I can check them, the phone dies.

There's a knock on my door and it opens a second later.

"Mason! Get up! It's late! We've got a party to plan for!" Jesse yells before shutting my door closed.

I laugh and get off the bed. He's the one that partied and got drunk yet he's somehow already up and planning another party.

After making my bed, I decide to take a short shower. I know that once I go downstairs, I may not be able to come back up.

"What are we even preparing?" I complain as soon as I enter the living room.

"Good morning to you too." Chris says, his eyes never leaving the screen of his laptop.

"Mason," Jesse starts, "you and Max are on making sure we have enough booze and snacks."

"Yes, sir!" I mock and he rolls his eyes. "What's Chris working on?"

"The invites."

"Invites?" I arch my eyebrows. "You never send out invites, everyone is always invited to your party."

"Yeah, well, this is a special party." He scratches the back of his neck and I immediately become confused. "I don't want everyone to be here."

"And... Why is that?"

"My girlfriend's coming."

"Ah!" I smile as all the pieces start to come together.

"He doesn't want any of his flings to know he has a girlfriend and vice versa." Chris comments from the couch, still not bothering to look up.

"Shut up." Jesse grunts and Chris chuckles.

"Why throw a big party if you could've just brought her here?" The confusion returns.

"She asked to come to the party after I had already told people about it. None of my excuses worked so here we are." He throws his hands in the air. "Now, stop asking me countless questions like some cop. Go help Max, I think he's in the kitchen."

Jesse walks out of the room and I laugh as I follow behind him. He could just avoid all of this by not looking at almost every girl that walks by.

I find Max standing in front of the open refrigerator. He has a piece of paper in his hand and he continuously looks between it and the fridge's contents.


"Hey." He turns around and sees me.

There's a short moment of silence as he returns to what he was doing and I stand by the counter, looking around the room.

"What exactly am I supposed to be doing in here?"

"I'm actually almost done with checking if everything is here and in order. We just need to carry those up to the freezer in the attic."

He points to the corner next to the fridge and only then do I notice the packs of can beer.

"Jesse said to make sure they're ice cold for the party because in his words, his girlfriend is too hot and will need something to keep her cool."

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