Birthday Parties And Weekend Plans

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Maya's POV

"It's just a small thing. It'll only be us and the guys." I say to my friends as I put on my blue feather earrings.

"Really?" Peyton questions with a frown. "I heard about a party at this very house from like, ten classmates."

"That can't be." I shake my head and pick up a roll of streamers to continue with the decorations.

"You guys know this is just a small thing but does Jesse know? He's like some party master. He might think this is one of his big parties." Bianca says.

If he's even done something like that, I'll kill him.

This is the first time I'm spending Mason's birthday with him. I just want something private, with people he's comfortable with. I know he's a social butterfly and all but Max and I agreed that something small is what's best now.

Jesse and Chris went to the store to buy all the things we forgot and my friends and I stayed behind to decorate the living room. Max took Mason out of the house. He already figured out what we're doing so I don't see the use of that. I would've just made him sit in his room until everything was ready.

"Why couldn't we just do all of this over the weekend again?" Zoe asks.

"He said he's got other plans over the weekend." Bianca replies.

I stop tying balloons with strings and take my phone out of the pocket of my pants. It's almost 7p.m so they should be here very soon.

I look up and my eyes roam around the room. We've left everything in its place. Other than the balloons, birthday banner and streamers, the room pretty much looks the same. The coffee table, as well as the dining table in the next room, are filled with bowls and platters of snacks.

"B, move those a little to the left." I instruct, referring to the balloons she's hanging in one corner of the room.

She nods and moves the three red balloons.

Peyton's phone vibrates and she grabs it from the couch. She stares at it for a minute before looking up at me.

"Maya, people are confirming that there's a party here tonight."

"What? No." I shake my head.

The doorbell rings and all our attentions is directed at it. I walk over to the door.

"Did one of them forget their keys?" I hear Zoe ask.

I open the door and I'm taken aback to find a group of unfamiliar faces staring at me.



"Where's Jesse?"

"Hey, girl!"

Everyone says something as they walk past me into the house. I stare, my jaw on the ground as everyone begins to make themselves comfortable.

This can't be happening.

"Yo! Hey, Maya!" Brad says as he also enters. His arm is slung over the shoulders of some girl.

"Brad, what's going on?" I close the door.

"What do you mean what's going on? You didn't think I'd miss Mason's birthday party did you?"

"This isn't..." I look around the now full room. "This wasn't a party."

"What?" He frowns. "Jesse invited us here, he said there's a party tonight."

"Baby," the girl next to him whines and he turns to look at her, "let's go."

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