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"You wanna get in with mama" Demi said reaching her arms out the ellie but she grabbed onto my suit

"It's okay mommy's getting in too, we just gotta get you changed first"

"No she can just go naked she's a baby" Demi said I took her chlothes off handing her to Demi as I got in

Demi was spinning with her and singing a little tune

Then we decided to see how well she could swim

Demi held her out into the water and told her to swim to me

I was only a couple feet away with my arms out

"Can't do it" she wined

"Come on babygirl you got it" I encourage

"Mama don't wanna" she said crawling up demi about to cry

"Okay baby you don't halve to" Demi rubbed her back

"Are you hungry ellie" Demi asked when she noticed the baby starting to suck on her fingers

She nodded Demi handed the baby to me before going out to make a bottle I followed shortly after her drying both me and Ellie off

I feed her a bottle

She started to choke again

"Come on baby Shh your alright just cough" I patted her back

She was starting to turn blue Demi was freaking out I finally turned her over and patted her back very hark she trew up everywhere

"Shh" I soothed picking her up again and cuddling her when Demi realized she was now breathing properly she broke down in tears

"Go give mama a hug" I told her looking at my wife

She got up and crawled over to her hugging around her legs

Semi picked her up and held her close

"Why does this happen Lauren, it's gotta stop I can't take it anymore" Demi cried walking over to me

"I know sweetheart Shh calm down honey I'll go get her meds okay" I soothed rubbing her back and she nodded

I got a diaper and the medication

"Open sweetie" I said to ellie who was focused on Demi's bathing suit trying to get it off her so she could nurse

She opened without noticeing what I holding

She scrunched up she face and started to wine when it hit her tongue

"Oh I know sweetie" Demi pulled down her top

"Wash out that nasty taste sweetie

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