Family bath?

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"You alright princess" I said picking up my baby just as camila walked into the door

Parker cries for her hoping her mom would soothe her

"No nope I don't want any of that mommy's very upset with you" camila said placing the girl on her hip

She apologized to me and Demi and even to Ellie before leaving

"Okay my sweet girl, Lets get ready for bed okay?" Demi said she nodded

"Umm Demi" I said as I saw something on my news feed

"Oh my god what do we do" she said tears forming in her eyes

There was a little who was being abused by the people across the street from us

"Little Finn" I let a couple tears fall we watched Finn a couple times before ellie

"I'm calling CPS" Demi took out her phone

"Babe just think for a second you know if we Foster him you won't let him go"

"Please I just can't leave this baby boy" Demi cried

"Ellie is starting to catch on" I whispered to Demi

"Okay baby lets go have a bath, Demi you call say we will be ready by 10 tomorrow" I said taking Ellie

I ran a bath and we all got in

"What did that say" I asked Demi when she got in the tub

"He asked for us, when they took him he wanted to come over" she said I could tell her heart broke she always felt a strong connection with the young boy

"Are we ready for this, can we do this I mean Ellie's only been here for 3 days maybe 4" I said as I put shampoo in the baby's hair

"I can't leave him, my heart can't take it" Demi said wiping some tears

"I know dem I know sweetie, I guess we should tell the little diva huh" I asked grabbing Demi's hand she nodded

"Hey ell" she looked up at me

"How would you like a little brother" I asked

"But I don't wanna share"

"You have to share even if you don't have a brother"

"But I don't wanna share you and mama, I'm the baby"

"Your still going to be our baby but Finn is in a deeper headspace then you so he might not even want your toys, but I know  he needs mommy and I"
Demi tried to explain

"So do I" she said tearing up

"He doesn't have a mommy's baby, his daddy was mean to him so the police came and took him away" I said sadly

"Oh then he can stay here" she said seeming to understand

"He can" she nodded

"Can I have mini now" she said wanting to be nursed

I nodded she went over to Demi and attached herself to her

"You know Finn might need mini too, even if her doesn't want it at cost me and mommy will still let him have it" she nodded

"You can feed 4 littles" she said unlatching

"What do you mean baby" I said giggling

"Well mommy can feed me and Finn see one two" she counted my breast

"And mama can feed two one two" she counted Demi's " so we can get 2 more"

I looked at Demi

"Your full of it girl get your mini before it's time to go to bed" Demi said

"I'm not opposed to the idea" I said

"Your both full of it were not having 4, we will start with the two and maybe in a couple years will think about adoption again" I nodded

We all got out and went to sleep

Tomorrow we would be a family of 4 but I gotta call out work then. Shit

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