Bed time

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"Ellie big lets get you into the bath" Demi said ellie has been extra clingy to Demi sence it was her time of the month witch sucks cause so was Finn

"Finn it's time to go night night and close your eyes" Lauren said walking back into the room for the 3rd time trying to get him down

"Can you do that for mommy" Lauren said giving him a pacifier he laid his head down

"Mama?" He asked

"Mama helping your sister right now, you have to go to sleep buddy" she started to cry I picked him up and rocked him in my arms

"Why are you up buddy" Demi asked walking in taking the crying baby

"Where's el" I asked not wanting her to be left alone

"I'm giving her a minute she's a little sad right now" Demi said sitting down in the rocking chair puttkng the pacifier in his mouth again

"About what?" I asked she pointed down to Finn, she felt left out

"Where is she" I asked kissing my wife's head

"In our room" I nodded and left to find ellie

"There's my pretty girl" I looked at the blonde she was wearing Demi sweatshirt that was way big on her and laying on my side of the bed snuggled into my pillow

"What wrong love" I said breaking down by the bed wiping the tears off her cheeks

"Finn gets you and mama all the time you said it wasn't gonna be this way"  she said sitting up definitely almost out of her headspace

"Come here sweetie I'm sorry babe, it's hard he's new baby" I pulled her into my lap and sat on the bed

"I'm new to mommy" she cried

"Your right I'm so sorry your newer at this then him he's been little for a couple of years" I allows her to cry into me I felt horrible

"Shh lets get back into your headspace then I'll let you stay up a little later and you can watch a little movie with me and mama" she nodded

I pulled up my top and pulled out my breast she turned her head away not wanting to be feed

"Come on ellie you need to be in your headspace when you get ready for bed" I said coxing her she latched on

Demi came in after a few moments and laid down next to us stroking Ellie's hair and kissed my cheek

"She came out of her headspace" I explained to Demi

She nodded

We all watched a movie together and Ellie fell asleep between me and Demi

I moved her into the bed just when Finn woke up to feed

I went down stairs and have him a bottle before putting him to sleep and going to sleep myself

Tomorrow is going to be a long day

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