Playdate part 2

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Ellie was fully calm now and Demi nurses her

"We need to be better about how much she nurses" Demi said

"I know this is her second time today I think maybe we should have a snack instead"

Demi unlatched her with a wine from the baby

"Shh sweetie you don't want a tummy ache do ya, lets get some real food in your tummy you did loose all your breakfast" I said picking her up putting her in her high chair getting anoth wine

I sat down and fed her some baby food

Parker got up

And colored with Demi

After ellie got some real food in her system she was a happy girl again and her and Parker when upstairs to play dolls after they both got a diaper change

2 hours later

"Mama" ellie called from the top of the stairs

"I'm coming princess" Demi said back I followed behind her we started to climb the stairs we Hurd Parker day something that made my blood boil

"Why do you need your mommy to help you stop acting like a baby"

"Hey Parker lets be nice okay" Demi said calmly

"GO" Parker yelled pushing ellie she fell down a couple stairs before Demi caught her she picked up the screaming baby and brought her down stairs

"Parker that makes auntie Lolo very upset, you know Ellie's is littler than you you can't push people it's not nice, go put your nose in the corner while I call your mom" she filled my instructions

I went to see Ellie who was still screaming she was starting to get a little bruse in her head

"Is she okay" I asked rubbing Ellie's back

"I hope the stairs are wooden" semi said

I took my baby who quickly calmed down after I gave her a pacifier

I called camila

C: hey Lauren I was just about to call is everything okay"

L: I think camila is starting to miss you she's starting to act out

C: Lauren I'm sorry I'm on my way what did she do?

L: well let's just say my baby was pushed down a flight of stairs

C: oh my god Lauren is SOO sorry is Ellie okay, she's definitely gettin a spanking

L: well she's in the corner right now sorry I just didn't know what to do with her

I said bouncing Ellie on my hip as she started to fuss

I'll be there in a sec

"She's almost here" I told demi

"I can't believe that just happened"

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