Fourth year- Part 2

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19th May 1975:

"You have real promise, Lily," Professor Slughorn says to me, squinting slightly.

"Thank you, Professor," I say, smiling brightly.

"How would you like to be a part of the Slug Club?" he asks me, one side of his mouth quirking up in a smile.

"I would be honoured, Sir," I say politely, grinning widely.

"That's perfect! Why don't you join us this weekend for dinner on Saturday? Then everyone can meet the newest member!"


21st May 1975:

"Are you serious?" I mumble to myself as I walk into the brightly lit room, instantly spotting James Potter sitting smugly, his arms crossed arrogantly.

He smirks at me, and I glare at him, before ripping my eyes away from him to focus on Professor Slughorn, who greets me enthusiastically.

"Welcome Lily," he smiles, chuckling jovially. 

"Thank you Professor, I'm honoured to be here," I say sweetly, returning the smile. 

"Why don't you have a seat over here?" he says, gesturing to the only open seat in the room. 

Right next to James. 

"Alright, Evans?" he asks haughtily, inspecting his nails as if he can't be bothered to even hold eye contact with me. 

"Fine thanks Potter. And yourself?" I say cuttingly, but not too loudly for anyone else to be able to hear. 

"I was feeling much better before you got here," he says sharply back. "Is Snivellus' stink rubbing off on you?"

"Shut up, Potter," I hiss. 

We don't talk to each other for the rest of the evening. 


22nd May 1975:

"And I had to sit RIGHT NEXT TO HIM all evening!" I complain to Sev, as he wrinkles his nose in disgust. 

"I can't stand that annoying Gryffindor," he snarls, shaking his head. 

I look at him for a second. "Sev... I'm a Gryffindor too..." I trail off as Sev opens his mouth. 

"Oh god, sorry Lily. I didn't mean you, I meant Potter, Black, Pettigrew and Lupin."

"Remus isn't so bad, you know," I say thoughtfully. Then I remember what Sev just said. "Did you pick that up from Mulciber or Avery?"

Sev looks embarrassed as he scratches the back of his neck nervously. "They might have said that on a couple of occasions," he says, not meeting my eyes. 

"Sev, they want to be death eaters!" I exclaim. 

"With all due respect, Lily, I don't think you have any right to choose who I hang out with!"

"Fine then," I say, maybe a bit too childishly. 

I walk away. 

A/N: Hi! I want to show the deteriorating friendship between Snape and Lily... am I doing an ok job of it? Thank you so much for reading, I hope you're enjoying the story!

Lots of love

Saf xx

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