XII. Pierce thy heart

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It was one sunny afternoon, Mari had just finished cleaning the room, her fingertips tracing the spine of the romance book she held, her emerald eyes shifting from Jude who still sat in his usual chair to the green meadows outside.

Sighing, she pulled the footstool and sat before him, the book now lying in her lap, before she could stop herself, her hand brushed across his lap causing him to turn his attention to her, arching his brow.

"Don't you want to go outside, Jude?" she asked, her voice soft and gentle.

It's been months since she began working here yet still, Jude is living the life of a hermit. Sure, he now knows things he wasn't able to do before but still, he needs to get out there, walk on the grass, feel the sunlight on his face.

Mari cannot take it if Jude will grow old like her late father, not wanting to go out, desperate to just stay at home doing nothing, merely waiting for days to pass.

Don't take Mari wrong, God knows how much she enjoys his company, in fact, she enjoys it far too much but she cannot digest being selfish. Just because her life now revolves around him, taking care of him, being there for him, then would it mean his must too.

Jude has potential, missed opportunities. He has a life back in London, a caring brother, a manor, and such. She can't just let him waste it all away.

Jude seemed taken back at her question yet quickly schooled his feature, appearing unbothered now.

"It's cozy here, Mari," he replied, replying with a faint smile.

Mari was on the verge of opening her mouth, objecting when he clasps his hand over hers against his thigh, "Now, what chapter are we in?"

Again, she frowned. "But Master, you've been in this room for-"

However, Jude cut her in, saying, "Be a darling and just read, please," this time, he has both his hands enclosing her hand, his voice tired, as if desperately not wanting to dive into this issue.

Sighing, Mari nodded, and so, she opened up the book and began reading though, by the looks of her companion, no way is he listening to her.

He is definitely lost in his own thoughts. It was as if, he's physically present yet mentally absent.

That's why she was surprised when he gently grabbed her hand and intertwined it with his, thus stroking her bare skin with his thumb.

Still, Mari kept reading aloud even though her mind kept drifting back to Jude to the point she barely understands what she's reading.

To be fair, up to this point, neither understood the chapter yet, they pretended to and so, Mari pretended to read and read and read while Jude pretended to listen and listened and listened.

It was an hour later when Mari couldn't take it anymore, "now what got a muffin like you thinking again?" she asked, brushing his hair.

Jude shifted his head in her direction, and replied a faint smile, "Nothing, Mari,"

But Mari knew it was not. Mari knows she's pushing her luck but she just can't stand seeing Jude here, stuck in this room, for like what? Almost a year, his beard and hair long.

"What do you say, how about we go out today or perhaps, tomorrow or the day after that? We'll simply walk and talk or if you want, we could sit under a tree and read?" Mari said, stroking his jet-black hair, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

Still, Jude shook his head.

"Jude, please. You just can't stay here forever, you know you have to go out someday, please," she persuaded, now cupping his cheek, still, he remained sitting.

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