XVIII.you're a mean one, Dr. Moore

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Finally, after two months of waiting which the couple hadn't noticed for they were way too preoccupied with one another, Dr Moore, at last, came home from his third marriage's honeymoon in Paris.

Jude and Mari were way too invested in their reading session in Jude's bedchamber when they heard a soft knock on the door, "Come in," said Jude with his hoarse voice.

A maid stepped into the room, bowing, her hands behind her back, "Dr Moore has arrived, my lord,"

Jude tipped his chin, acknowledging the statement then after a second, the maid left, replaced by a tall balding man, probably in his fifties, wearing an immaculate suit, his well-shined boots loud as he began striding inside, a leather bag in his hand, his hazelnut eyes surveying the room, then to Jude who still sat by the window and lastly, to Mari herself who stand by the patient's side, Dr Moore's brow was arched the whole time.

Mari is not one to change a character just based on one look but she could tell the man's far from amiable and she could tell Jude thought so too, judging from his rigidity. Perhaps, that's one reason why Jude insisted on not checking his eyes out, due to this very doctor.

Still, Mari let out a soft sigh, saying, "Good to finally have you, Dr Moore," her voice blithe as usual as she pretended not to take notice of him studying her from head to toe.

"It's true then, that Mr Kane here scored such a beautiful gal from, say, what village are you from again?" Dr. Moore's voice was loud and sarcastic.

Her brows knitted and Jude's arched his brow at the comment of the physician, typical Moore, bashful mouth.

"From Eyam, Doctor," Mari replied after a minute after debating herself whether to actually answer the physician or not, biting her lower lip as her emerald eyes followed his movements, casually putting his leather carpet bag on the table, his eyes still glued on Mari, still studying her.

"As soon as I got to London, that's all that everyone was talking about. Hell, even the kitchen maids had nothing better to do than gossip to the lot of you," he responded, shrugging as he opened the physician's bag.

"Surely, we'll take that as a compliment," uttered Mari, trying to lighten up the atmosphere for she knew the doctor's good news.

"If you must, Ms Milch but I assure you, some talks were not...let's just say, something to make you blush in a good way if you know what I mean," he answered, teasing.

At last, Jude spoke, "What do you mean by that, Moore?"

Jude was answered with the doctor's pretentious chuckle, one that could raise the hairs at the back of your neck, even as he laughed, his whole set of teeth showing.

"Oh, you wouldn't want to know, Mr Kane, trust me," the doctor pretended to be pretty busy with arranging his equipment but he couldn't fool anyone.

"Test me, Moore," roared Jude back, his voice a tinge of anger to the point Mari had to soothe him, running her fingers through his hair.

"But I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings especially after what you've been through, there was just talk, of course, nothing for you to fret about though I must say, they're one hell of a talk," Dr. Moore wouldn't drop his silly little game.

Mari wanted to shake Jude and tell him that the doctor's playing with him but she found herself glued in her spot. She knew Jude, if he wanted to know something, he'll know it, he'll find a way. Besides, she doesn't want to dampen his pride by being soft towards him in fear that the physician might view that as mere weakness.

There was a long pause after that, not one spoke and finally, Dr Moore let out a long agonizing sigh, as if he was harshly exhausted, shrugging, he said, "Well, if you insist on knowing it then be my guest,"

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