xv. Hungover

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ALICE HELPED HOSEOK walk to Jungkook's car, which thankfully was much closer than the other cars

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ALICE HELPED HOSEOK walk to Jungkook's car, which thankfully was much closer than the other cars. He had been blabbering random facts since they left the house and Alice just wanted him to pass out in the car already. It's too bad he was wide awake when Jungkook drove off.

"Jimin's getting laid, huh? For the first time in about a year?" Hoseok giggled. "That's my Jimin."

"Really?" Alice raised her eyebrows and looked at him through the rearview mirror. She was sitting in the passengers seat while Hoseok was in the back middle seat, manspreading like hell. "You guys went on tour and saw a bunch of different people but he didn't hook up with a single one?"

"No, he was really focused on the tour this time around," Jungkook stated.

"Wow," Alice scoffed in disbelief. She knew him to be quite popular with the ladies so it was a bit of a shock to her.

"Has Jimin ever had a girlfriend? I don't remember him ever telling me," Hoseok spoke up.

"Yeah a few, but they never worked out," she replied.

"Why not?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

She thought for a second, but she couldn't really come up with an answer. Jimin had told her about his girlfriends, yes, but the breakups were always fuzzy to her.

"Don't know..." her voice trailed off in thought.


"Why can't you just tell me what's wrong?" Jimin's voice echoed in her apartment- his girlfriend's apartment.

"Because of her, Jimin!" She yelled back, causing Jimin's face to soften. He knew exactly who she was talking about. "It's almost as if you're dating her! 'Sorry, can't go out today, Alice isn't feeling well', 'Sorry, have to cancel the date tonight, Alice needs a ride home'. God damnit, Jimin, are you in love with her or something?"

He couldn't bring himself to say anything, because, well, he didn't know what to say.

"Please, just listen to me," he pleaded.

"No, Jimin, not anymore. If you really want me, get rid of her," she crossed her arms. Jimin looked at her as his face fell.

"I-I can't..."

She scoffed in response. "I knew it."

Jimin had left that night, her words constantly on his mind. He wanted to go back and tell her that he chooses her, but he knew he would be lying. He knew he couldn't live without Alice. That was his second breakup that was caused by his friendship with her, and everytime they would say the same thing; 'because of her.' And everytime he would end up walking out after they said to choose between them.

Because god damnit, Alice was the only person he ever really wanted to choose.


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