~prolauge~(Audree POV)

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A huge cracking noise sounded in the enclosed space, far too loud to be natural to my ears. I pushed anyway, some strange desire shoving me toward it. I pushed and struggled and tried with all my might to escape the tight space.

More of those noises followed, creating a strangely satisfying feeling deep in my mind, my heart, and even my very soul.

Then there was freedom. And a feeling that something was horribly wrong.

I crawled out of the strange prison and tried to stand up. then tried to look around and figure out what was going on when the standing didn't work. I looked, trying to find the people who had put me in there so I could demand answers. Me being captured in a car chase was not how I expected my evening to go.

I quickly realized that something wasn't quite right. First off, ...trees? Second, I was inside a pit of some kind. third, I had no idea where here was.


I closed my eyes and lay down, trying very hard to block out the fear that was crashing down on me. Strange place, strange smells. Wait. smells? My sense of smell was never that good. I huddled up into a ball, barely noticing that my body itself didn't feel quite right.

"Are you going to ignore me or what?"

I didn't answer. But why is that person talking to me in my head and not verbally?

An exasperated sigh. "Guys, can you help me here?"

I began to hum with my eyes still closed, trying to figure out what exactly was so wrong here.

"HEY, CAN YOU STOP NOT HEARING US?" Many voices screamed in my head at once.

I reluctantly stopped humming and sat up, noticing that there really was something off about my movements. I looked up, finally noticing that there were colorful creatures up above. Every one of them seemed unique in its own way. Some were lazing about while others looked around alertly. Some had scales dappled with strange colors or patterns.

All I could think to describe them was the word dragons. I looked closer, trying to figure out who was talking to me and how.

"No, I'm not deaf. But I will be if you keep screaming at me." The words came out as a series of chirps and whistles - not words at all... yet I could understand them... "Mmmm this is very strange. Indeed. La le loo lay low. Why do I sound like this again?"

I nearly laughed when the words came out as something that sounded more like an energetic bird.

"Oh finally." One of the voices said, "What's your name?"

I was still looking around, testing out a few words, and eventually falling over with contained laughter at the sound.

Eventually, I replied. "I'm Audree," I looked around more, still trying to spot who I was talking to. It didn't escape my attention that many of the dragons near me were watching me, obviously confused.

A snort, and then, "I'm right here you strange, strange Dragon. Not many of us- wait, no, none of us reacted this way." a green dragon fading to another bright color stood up, and I was suddenly confused again.

"Don't tell me I'm-" I started, as her words hit me. I looked down at myself, finally realizing why my movements didn't feel right. A red-scaled body with black and white splotches was where my own should have been. "A Dragon." I finished weakly.

Another snort. "Yes, and you should probably stop talking out loud, since the scientists don't like being disturbed by chirps, whistles, and whatever other loud, annoying noises we make."

"What do you mean, not speak aloud?"

The forest green dragon gestured to herself with an incredulous look on her face. "Mind speaking. How we've literally been talking to you since ten minutes ago. Concentrate on me, and try pushing thoughts into my head. Images and feelings work too."

"Like this?" I tentatively asked, unsure if it worked.

The dragon nodded. "Yes, very good for a first try. By the way, my name is-"

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