chapter nine - lexie

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I moved my fork through my food, glancing at the clock. I told Spencer I would call him for lunch, but I was stalling. I wanted to see him, spend time with him, it's just...

Cristina and Meredith sat down, laughing. I hardly glanced up, my mind occupied.

"Hey, where's McAgent? Why aren't you having lunch with him?" Cristina said, opening a bag of chips.

"Um, I don't know. I just... I don't want to..." I swallowed.

Meredith looked at me with sympathy. "You don't want to get attached?"

I nodded. "He's leaving tomorrow, right? I mean, I can't have lunch. I can't have dinner, he can't sleep over... It's-"

Cristina laughed.

"That's not funny. It's not funny. I'm in emotional distress." I slammed my fork down, crossing my arms.

"It's a little funny, Lex. Just go. Have coffee with him or something. It's less than lunch. But you can still hang out, right?" Meredith patted my shoulder.

"Coffee. Right. I can- I can do coffee." I stood up with my tray, throwing my uneaten food in the trash. I can worry about the starving kids in Africa later. I speed walked, no, practically ran to his friend's room-I was on a mission. All of my feelings about not getting attached... screw it. I wanted to spend every moment I could with this boy.

I haven't felt this excited since Mark. But it was different than him, too. Fresher. Almost scary. I made it to his room, only to see him sitting on the ground in front of the room, reading a book.

"Hey," I said, slightly out of breath.

He looked up and smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... why-why wouldn't I be okay?" I tried to slow my breathing, embarrassed.

"You look like you just ran a mile." He stood, leaving his book on the ground.

"I'm sorry-I just-" I pointed in the general direction of the coffee cart. "Do you want to get coffee?"

"I love coffee." He knocked on the window of the room, pointing to me. The blond one- Agent Jareau?- looked up and gave him a thumbs up.

I grinned and led him across the hospital to the coffee cart, ordering for the both of us. I grabbed them, and handed him one. Then I had an idea.

"Come with me." I grabbed his free arm and led him to the elevator, pressing the button rapidly. The doors dinged open and I dragged him inside, pressing the button for the basement.

He glanced at me. "Uh, where-where are we going?"

I smirked. "You'll see."

The doors opened, and I grabbed his hand. "Come on!"

The tunnels were quiet, the only rooms occupied filled with patients for four, six, eight hour surgeries. That's why I liked it. I led him to an empty bed in the hallway, parked against the wall. I came here sometimes, just to think. I had never shown anyone before. It was like my secret spot. But now I was showing it to Spencer.

I sat down, criss cross applesauce, leaning back against the wall. I patted the bed next to me. He jumped up, taking a sip of his coffee.

"It's quiet," he observed, looking around.

I nodded. "It's the basement." I looked at him.

"Am I allowed to down here?" He seemed nervous.

I giggled. "It's fine. No one cares." We were sitting close, our arms touching. I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed. "I come down here all the time. If I'm... having a bad day or something."

Special Stranger - (Lexie Grey x Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now