chapter twelve - spencer

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I sat on the jet, resting my head on my hand, staring out the window while Seattle got smaller and smaller.

I opened my phone. I knew I had no service, but I just stared at her name and number, then back outside. I could still see the space needle, but it was getting farther away by the second.

JJ sat down across from me, staring. Emily and Derek were both asleep, laying on the couches.

"You okay?" Her voice shocked me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, flipping my phone shut. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

"Thinking about the girl?" She said quietly, reading my expression.

I nodded.

"You should call her. You know, when we get back."

"I don't know. I don't want to think about her. It just..." I exhaled.

"Out of sight, out of mind?" She said quietly.


"Girl like her... that's hard to get out of mind, though."

I turned my head to look at her. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry." Her expression was full of sympathy.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. It's not like I even knew her that well. I mean, it was two days."

"Are you sure about that? You're sure you don't know her that well?"

I smiled weakly. "I know more about her than I do any other girl. Besides you and Emily. Not that I..."

"No, I get it." JJ grinned. "What did she tell you?"

I sighed. "Her mom died a few years ago. Her sister lives across the world with her husband and kid. But her other sister, well, half-sister, Meredith, she's close to. Same with the neurosurgeon and this other guy, Alex. They live together."

"It's not going to be easy to put her out of mind. I guarantee that." She took a deep breath. "Did you take a picture? Or something?"

I nodded, smiling. "Yeah." There was a couple pictures that we took, while we were half-drunk last night. I showed JJ the one of Lexie holding the camera above their heads, leaning against my chest.

"Cute." She said, giggling.

"Yeah." I stared at the photo, at Lexie's beautiful smile spread across her face. I was going to miss that smile. Maybe I should print it out, or something. Was that creepy? I knew Lexie had taken some pictures on her phone, too. Maybe she was looking at them too. I hoped.

I stared out the window again. We were well above the clouds now. I shut my phone off and closed my eyes, her memory still very present in my mind.


A Few Months Later

I sat at my desk, swiveling my chair back and forth, doing notes on a case we had completed a couple days ago. It was a slow day, filled with coffee and small talk. Simply put, I was bored.

JJ was clicking around on her computer, Emily was stirring sugar in her coffee at the table, Derek and Hotch were buried in their work. I sighed. 

"Oh, my god." JJ mumbled, squinting at her screen.

I glanced up. "What?"

She looked at me. "Um, the hospital we were at a couple months ago? Seattle Grace Mercy West?"

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