Autobots x SparklingReader

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Transformers x Sparkling Reader


Your ship... or well, your capsule was about to find the ground, planet earth to be more specific and you were really scared, your carrier and sire had send you all alone trough space, before that they told you to find an cybertronian called Optimus Prime and finally you would be safe, you don't know exactly what you were running away from... only thing you know it's that you miss so much your carrier and sire, so much and...

Y/N:'Aaughh!' A sudden crash woke you up from your dreams, you finally hit earth, but what now... how a little sparkling like you will find Op... Optimus... you could barely say your name.
You opened the capsule and peeked out a bit just to look at the new planet you were in... there were green things... big and the sky is blue! It made you smile looking at it, it felt peaceful... then something little was flying it was colorful!

Y/N:'uuh~ pretty!' You said all happy and go out of your capsule crawling on the grass now you started laughing at the feeling of it on your servos, but you gotta catch that colorful flying thing! (A butterfly).
While you were crawling and giggling all happy you heard out of sudden a noise coming from the other side of your capsule, you've crawled a little bit far away from it, that was your safe place... like a bed and now... who's there? Your spark started to run fast, you were scared, the steps were coming closer to you and you started crying...

Y/N:'Aaah sire... aah aahhh carrier! Aah ah!' Between sobs you started calling for your creators but you knew that they were far away...

Autobots POV

Op:'A cybertronian capsule just arrived earth, not far away from here... autobots, roll out'

Miko:'oh my god! A new member? I hope its an autobot and no a frikkin decepticon, can't deal with that today'

Jack:'I hope the same... a new friend'

-Time skip thanks to my imagination.-

IronHide:'Look there's the capsule... it's open...'

Op:'It has the autobot insignia on it, our fellow lad must be around... here?' Optimus stopped talking as he heard a noise from the forest, it was... like someone was crying?

Arcee:'No way... no way!' She went straight to the noise and found you all curled up hugging yourself and crying for your creators. 'A femme sparkling... sh shh sweetheart it's okey now...' She took the sparkling on her servos and showed it to Optimus Prime who was as shocked as the rest of the team.

Bumblebee:'Boss... there's a message on the capsule' he said trough the radio and touched the button that showed an hologram.

Y/N:'C... carrier...' said quietly the sparkling as she watched the hologram message.

Carrier:'If someone is watching this it means that my sparkling it's alive and now at your care... please don't hurt her, we, her carriers are gone by now, don't need more explanation... if she got to planet earth please... Optimus Prime, take my sparkling as yours and take care of her... please... and to you my sparkling, my sweet Y/N we love you... and we'll see you in the allspark someday... for now be good to your new sire or carrier... take care my sunshine'

And the hologram faded, making the sparkling cry a little bit more as she was handed to Optimus.

Y/N:'O... Opti? Oppy?' You asked trying to pronounce the name correctly. The Prime smiled when he heard you and Bumblebee chirped all happy as well as the rest of the team, it was a miracle, seeing a sparkling for the first time in a long... long time and now the mission it's taking care of you.

Op:'it's okey sweet sparkling... you're safe now and the autobots will take care of you, Autobots, back to the base, roll out' he didn't transformed he went to the base with you on his servos and when the team arrived, the other ones went straight to Optimus to see the sparkling... and she was beautiful.
Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were the first one to see you at the base and they cooed at you, the sparkling smiled because everyone was nice to her.

Sideswipe:'Look at her optics, omg she's so cute! I love the pink on them!' He said and his brother smiled at the little one that now was taken by Optimus to medbay where Ratchet was waiting... and he was smiling! Another miracle! He smiled right when he saw the sparkling.

Ratchet:'hello there little one I have to check you up and then you'll be free to meet the others' the pink optics watched him all happy and trough the check up she couldn't help but giggle sometimes, she has a lot of tickles! And that giggling makes everyone smile... even Miko, Raf and Jack are surprised by the happiness of the bots.

Ratchet:'and that's it sweetie, you're all healthy and free to go' he handed the little spark to Bumblebee and he was so happy, the sparkling seems to like everyone! And the bond between all of them it's growing fast.

-Time skip brought to you by Bee.-

Your POV

Now you can pronounce everyone's name not perfectly but day by day you practice more and at some point it will be the way you want. You were walking all happy smiling and searching for Optimus, you loved walking! You remember the first tome you did it the whole team clapped you and celebrate you! It was perfect, Optimus was like a sire and Arcee like a carrier, thanks to Miko and the other human ones you now could talk in human terms as well... that's why you thought of Ratchet as your grandfather, IronHide as an uncle along with Mirage, Bumblebee and the twins as brothers along with Bulckhead of course! Mega overprotective brothers.

Y/N:'Oppy~' you said happy as he turned around and looked down at you, he took you on his servos and he kissed your head making you laugh.

Op:'what is it my sweetspark?'

Y/N:'I wanted to... tell you something Oppy~' you made him come closer to you and you said happily. 'I love you Oppy sire!'

And Optimus felt his spark run like crazy and he  hugged you right away, you smiled and closes your eyes, enjoying the warm of love of your new father.

Op:'I love you as well little Y/N... the whole team loves you too!'

Y/N:'I must tell them I love them!' You said all firmly, like if it was a mission and Optimus smiled at that.

Op:'of course you will but now let me hug you for a few more minutes '

Y/N:'I love hugs sire!'

Op:'And I love you my sparkling... I do'

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