Is Krithi watching?

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Ankita's POV:

Today we are going on a small picnic. When Rishi told me about it, I was doubtful whether Raghav would accept. I was really surprised when he immediately said okay.

It is going to be fun today as we are going to a beach resort. It has been so long since I went to a beach. The nostalgia of visiting beaches with my parents in childhood passed my mind briefly.

I wore a yellow coloured sundress and Raghav was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans.

"Is it okay if Rishi drives?" I asked him just because I don't want even a minute to be boring in this picnic.

"Why? So that you can cuddle with me in the backseat?" He asked and winked at me.

I looked at him, my eyes wide. What?

"Just kidding." He patted my head and left the room.

I turned to my left and saw myself at the mirror. My cheeks were pink and my face looks flushed.

'Get a hold of yourself Ankita.' I hit my head and followed him.

Krithi had already arrived and was waiting in the living room. Rishi and Krithi sat on the front and we took the backseat.

I have to say I'm a nervous mess right now. I was either fiddling with my dress or tugging my hair behind my ears, since it was too awkward. At times I stole glances at Raghav but everytime I saw, he was scrolling through his phone.

Why am I the only one feeling awkward here?

"You look handsome when you are driving." Krithi told Rishi.

Damn! They started with their romance again.

Rishi laced his fingers with Krithi's and kissed the back of her hand.

"Take a video if you want." He says winking at her.

Why am I shamelessly watching them? I avert my eyes outside the window so that I don't see their PDA.

I found the view outside very nice so I decided to open the sunroof and have a good view of it. I stood up and opened the roof. I threw my hand in the air and took a deep breath. This feels so good.

Suddenly I felt a hand pulling my wrist to realize Raghav was standing up using my hand. I moved aside to make space for him but there wasn't much space. Too cramped for two people.

Our arms were rubbing each other and it wasn't that comfortable to stand side by side. So I moved a little forward so that he stood behind me. Now this is super uncomfortable. My back is pressed hard against his chest. It is best I go back down.

"I'll go down. There isn't much space."

"Wait." Raghav told and took my arm and encircled it around his shoulder. He then put his arm around me. Now there is enough space as our arms are up.

I'm still not comfortable as he is taller than me but I don't do anything cause I'm liking it.

"Careful. Krithi is watching us." Raghav told me and I realized why all this drama was going on.

We reached the resort half an hour later. We booked a room even though we were not staying the night. We wanted one so that we can fresh up and change clothes after playing in the water.

"Three rooms please." Raghav told to the receptionist.

"Why three?" I asked him.

"Then? Do you want Rishi and Krithi to take a single room? Even if it is for a few minutes I can't let them be alone in a room."

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