Pleasure,Pain & Noise

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Raghav's POV:

"Stay right here. I'll be back in five minutes." I told Ankita. I left her in front of a park and went to buy some snacks. I didn't take her along as she seemed tired. There wasn't much people on the road as it was a week day and a not a holiday season.

When I came back after a few minutes Ankita was nowhere to be seen. Anxiety kicked in and I searched for her in places nearby. I called her but realized her phone was in my pocket. I asked around about her to the few people who were there scattered across the road. But nobody noticed her. Fear consumed me fully and I didn't know what to do. I immediately called the police and filed a missing complaint.

I went back to our hotel tears blurring my eyes. I opened the door to our room and found Ankita inside changing her dress.

She screamed hearing someone enter the room. She hurriedly put on her top and noticed me. I rushed towards her gripped her arms tightly.

"Are you stupid? What are you doing here? I asked you to wait in front of the park. You know how worried I was when I couldn't find you? Do you even know what all thoughts ran in my mind?" I yelled at her face, each word louder than the previous.

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry. I was lost and I didn't have my phone with me." She replied carelessly.

"Can't you ask directions for the park to the people nearby, if you were lost? First of all why did you move to get lost?"

"You know I don't know French. What do I ask them?"

This girl is getting on my nerves. Is she even getting what she put me into within an hour?

My grip on her arms tightened. My nails would have probably dug deep into her skin.

"Ankita. I asked why did you move from that place? What happened that you couldn't stay put in a place for ten minutes?"

"After you were gone some guys came and started speaking something in French. I didn't understand but I knew they were talking indecently. I tried moving a little from that place but they followed me around. One among them grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards him. I kicked his shin hard and ran from there. I saw a taxi on the road and got into it. I told him the hotel name and he brought me here. I was not able to think of anything else at that time." She spoke tears spilling out of her eyes.

Anger started boiling inside me. "Which bastards did that to you? Can you identify them? I'll teach them a lesson. Let's go to the police station, come." My hands balled into a fist.

"That's why I didn't tell you. We would be leaving this place soon. Why give complaints unnecessarily?" She patted my chest slowly to calm me down.

"Even then how dare he was to lay hands on my woman?" I shouted.

"You know what Raghav? I was scared only for a few minutes but then I realized they made me love you more."

"What? How?" I was baffled.

"Looking at how they were behaving to me the moment they laid eyes on me I realized one thing. My husband who has all the rights to touch me never laid hands on me without my consent and how lucky I was, and am to have the best husband in the world. I love you Raghav."

Her words made me go speechless. I buried my face into my palms and squatted down to the floor. The image of her wearing her top flashed into my mind for a second. The black slip she wore underneath was hugging her curves perfectly. Shit! Shit! Shit!

I stood up and punched my hands on the wall beside her with frustration. I noticed her looking at me baffled. She might be thinking I'm angry on the thugs and not about the frustrations she give me.

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