Author's note:

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Assalamualaikum and Hello dearies. How are you all?

Ooppss. For the first time my readers were wrong in guessing. Well, my mistake. :( I didn't give them a single hint. But I'm sorry. I paired our Affaq with our innocent Daniya. I know you all wanted Bushi to be his bride. But you don't get everything what you like in your life, right? This is how life works. You have to compromise sometime. :)

So here is the third story. Story of our Affaq and Daniya. I promise you'll surely love it. And tell me if they match or not. I know you all will love it. I'll be waiting for your answers in the comment box. Please. I'm requesting you. Do tell me how was the Prologue. It's in the next chapter. :)

Do vote and comment please. It means alot.
Take care till next time.
Allah Hafiz and Bye. :) (:

Planned Destiny (Book III) (Sequel Of Our Life, Our Love) (Completed)✔Where stories live. Discover now