Terushima x Daishō ||When we first||

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A/N just pretend Terushima is a third year too and somehow the graduation is later. Don't ask questions about it

"Oi. Shithead. You remember when we first met?"
"Of course you fucktard!"
"Fuck off"
"Love ya too"
Terushima was out of his home town. He visited the smoll cottage that his family had and was now wandering around in the city.
He was walking around searching for a nice place for food.
He couldn't remember how he ended up there but he was around in a small neighborhood he heard some girl crying and yelling.
Of course he was alarmed. A girl hysterical crying and yelling.
He started running towards the sound. He was in front of the house door about to knock and ask if everything was fine when the door swung open, he remembered falling to the ground with some weight on him and that he hit his head pretty hard, after that everything was black.
He woke up by someone shaking him and calling out to him.
He opened his eyes and the sight in front of him stunned him.
A boy around his age maybe a year older. His hair dark green and his bangs bundled over to the left side.His eyes a dark green that almost looked black. Oh and let's not forget about his soft looking lips and his bruised cheek. (I'm so sorry I don't how to describe his hair :c)
"Omg fucking finally. Are you okay?"
"Y-yea just a little headache. But what happened?"
"I-Uh-You fell pretty hard and hit your head..."
"No no I felt some kind of weight falling onto me."
"Yea about that-That was me falling onto you"
"Wait-Why did you fall onto me?"
"Other question what were you doing in front of the house?"
"Eh-Right I heard some girl yelling and crying so I wanted to ask if everything was fine"
"Oh. Was it really that loud?"
"Yea it was. So mind me asking but why did you fall onto me and why are we still outside?"
"About that-Can we talk about that at your place?" The boy turned away looking down. He looked embarrassed?
"Sure? Oh I'm Terushima Yuji, you?"
"Uh Daishō Suguru"
"Let's go"
He stood up and helped the boy ,now known as Daishō, up.
He lead the way to the little cottage.
He unlocked the door and let Daishō in.
"Make yourself comfortable. You want something to eat or drink?"
"Good I'm hungry too"
Terushima put pizza in the oven and walked to the couch with cola.
"Here man"
"So tell me why were we outside?"
"To keep it short. My girlfriend broke up with me, because I cheated on her? Which I didn't?"
"So she thought you cheated on her?"
"What the fuck why?"
"Dunno. I wanted to ask her and that was when she started yelling and crying" Daishō said and shrugged
"What the fuck... Okay so you need a place to stay or like?"
"Yea. Can't go back home. My stepmother hates me so my father kicked me out. So I moved in with her"
"Bro. Ya can stay with me. I will be here for two weeks. Sadly I need to get to school after that again"
"Wait what highschool?"
"Johzenji. Why you wanna know?"
"Wait you are THAT Terushima Yuji. You have a tongue piercing right?"
"Yea. Wait you are that Daishō Suguru. Omg I'm so stupid"
"You sure are"
"Shut up! I will eat the whole pizza alone"
"You wouldn't"
"Wanna see that I'd do?"
"No. Then I'd have none of it"
"Omg so smart boii"
"Shut up"
They started bickering but where interrupted by the beeping of the oven.
"Foods ready!"
Terushima jumped up and ran into the kitchen.
"OMG don't tell me you burned yourself"
"I did!"
"Why did your parents let you go here alone again?"
"They had enough of me"
"That's rough buddy"
"I know man"
Terushima sat down on the sofa with two plates packed with pizza slices.
"Let's eat!"
They started eating like normal people at first well it turned into a competition on who could finish first.
If Daishō was a fast eater than Terushima was eating at the speed of light.
The phone rang.
"I'm right back."
Terushima got up, picked up the phone and left into another room.
Suddenly there was some shouting from Terushima bit it died down pretty quickly.
"Yes! I will. Yes. Yes! How many times do I need to say yes?! Yea bye"
He came back pretty pissed.
"Ya good?"
"Yea just my mother pestering me to finally move out..."
"Why does she want you to move out?"
"My little sister hates me, I don't know why, but she is the queen of the house so if she wants me to move out I will have to"
"Nah it's fine. Didn't want to stay with that lil bratt any way"
"Wanna play some volleyball?"
"Hell yea!"
They both got up and Terushima got some sport clothes for Daishō.
Both changed in the living room and then left.
Daishō took him to the Nohebi High
"I will get the keys for the gym."
Daishō left to get the keys.
They played volleyball till they were kicked out.
Terushima let him stay after he had to leave.
"Man I trust you okay? Don't trash this place or I'll kill you"
"Won't do anything. I swear"
"Good see ya"
"Oi. Fucktard remember when we had a training camp?"
"Of course you fucker"
"Hate ya"
"Nah ya love me"
"Oi. Terushima"
"What the fuck..."
"I thought they'd hate each other"
"We all did"
Terushima was trying to hug Daishō which didn't work. Both teams watched it clearly confused.
"Ne Sensei. Did you have the idea of the training camp with Nohebi?"
"No that was Terushima"s request"
"Wait really?"
"Oi! Stop Teru! Ya can't hug me fuck off!"
"Fuck off! Lemme hug you ya pice of shit!"
"Forget it! I ain't be hugged by you!"
"Lemme hug youuu"
"Pwetty pleasee"
"OMG stopp. I won't hug ya!"
"Fuck you! I want to hug you!!"
"Well I don't wanna be hugged!"
"I don't care this is about mee not youu!"
"Shut up!" Daishō finally pushed Terushima off.
"I hate youu!!"
"Fuck off fucktard!"
Terushima was sitting on the floor pouting.
"Omg stop being such a baby Teru!"
"Wait did he just call him Teru? No ones allowed to call him that"
"It is"
"Terushima Yuji! Get changed or we will never start practicing!"
"yess Sensei"
Daishō helped Terushima up and then pushed him to the locker room.
"Get ya ass changed!"
He left.
"Everyone start setting up! And no fights!"
A minute later Terushima came back changed and helped setting up.
The practice was fun. Everyone learned new things they played four on four matches two people of Johzenji and two of Nohebi making a team.
Sadly the first practice day was over. Everything was cleaned up.
Daishō walked over to Terushima
"Oi. Teru I'll wait for you outside"
They changed. Johzenji had booked a hotel for everyone but Terushima.
"See ya guys!"
The team left to the little bus waiting for them.
Terushima walked outside where he met with Daishō.
"And how is my place?"
"Cleaned and not trashed. No one besides me was in there"
"Good my mother would have killed me"
"I already told you that I could pay rent"
"Nahh, no need to do so"
"Well if ya say so shithead"
"Shut up"
They arrived and went to sleep Terushima sleeping in his bed and Daishō on the sofa.
The training camp was over faster then he wanted it to be. He made Daishō teach him some feints.
The day they left he even hugged Daishō which earned him a pretty hard hit and Daishō yelling at him not to do that again.
"Fucktard. Remember when we first kissed?"
"Yea...Of course fucker"
"Oh that was also when we first fucked"
"Hate ya"
"Love ya too"
Daishō had graduate. He was at home alone.
He was pretty pissed.
His father didn't come to his graduation.
Mika tried to get him back.
His friends left.
No one besides his team was happy for him.
He wasn't happy.
This was the first time he felt like crying.
He swore to himself never to cry again. He felt like he needed to break that.
So he cried. He let all the tears out he had held back so many years.
He let himself break down, cry, scream.
Terushima decided to visit him he was walking in when there was scream out of the bedroom.
It sounded pained. Like it had been held back many years.
The voice broke and there were some loud sobs.
He let all his things fall and ran to the bedroom.
"Daishō!" He fell onto his knees next to him.
He pulled him close Daishō didn't stop him so he petted his hair and whispered some nice or funny things. He rubbed some circles on his back.
After 15 minutes Daishō still hadn't stopped crying.
Terushima stood up and somehow lifted Daishō up. Daishō immediately wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist.
Terushima thought it was cute. Terushima felt like carrying a baby not that he minded. He was lighter than he thought he'd be
He sat down on the bed with Daishō on his lap Daishō's face hidden in Terushima's neck.
Terushima just continued rubbing his back and whispering reassuring words. He didn't know why he was in this state.
The doorbell rang.
"Sorry gotta put ya down" he gently shoved Daishō from his lap and gave him a short head pad.
He opened the door and there was a girl maybe a year older than him and brown hair.
"Excuse me how can I help you?"
"First of all who are you?"
"Terushima Yuji. And you are?"
"His girlfriend Mika Yamaka"
"Oh. Don't you mean ex girlfriend?"
"No girlfriend"
"Definitely not. He broke up with ya. He would have told me if he got back with ya"
"We are back together"
"No ya aren't now leave. Or else I won't hesitate to make you."
"Hmph tell him I said hi"
"Definitely not" he closed the door.
"I'm here I'm here" he walked back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed again, as soon as he sat comfortable Daishō climbed onto his lap again hiding his face in Terushima's neck again.
"Who was it...?"
"No one important. Don't worry"
"If you say so..."
"Believe me. Now will you tell me what's wrong?"
"Come on I wanna help ya"
He had to ask Daishō five minutes to finally tell him, maybe even longer.
Daishō was interrupted by someone rapidly knocking on the door.
"Just ignore it and talk"
"So-" the knocking didn't stop and only got louder.
"Come on! Sorry again" he picked up Daishō and placed him on the bed again. Terushima felt bad for leaving him alone again since he started to cry again.
Terushima opened the door
"Excuse you. Who are you and where is my son?"
"First of all who are you."
"I'm Suguru's father. Now I need to have a serious talk with him and get out of his house fuckboy"
"Excuse you?! This is my house?! And Daishō isn't talkable right now. So leave. I will tell him that you were here."
"Why can't I talk to him? You fucked him to hard?"
"Wha-Leave now!"
"No you leave fuckboy"
"This is my house and I did nothing to your son! What do you want from him?! If I remember correctly you were the one that kicked him out and I was the one that gave him a place to stay"
"He is still my son"
"You kicked him out because of your shitty wife. He WAS your son. The moment ya kicked him out ya also disowned him. Now would ya mind leaving I have somethings to take care of"
"Yeah yeah go and fuck my son I won't stop you from fucking that slut"
"Wha-! I'm not gonna do anything to him! Also call him something like that again and you will wake up in the fucking hospital"
"Whatever you say now can I talk to him? It's about his grades. He should have done better"
"His grades were good all of them B's so what you want him to write straight A's?"
"That isn't possible! Do it yourself!"
Terushima closed the door, he turned around and saw Daishō with fresh tears running down his cheeks.
"W-was it what he said or w-what I said?"
"I told you to stay in the room Daishō..."
"Bu-but he-he was here a-and wh-what if he hurt you?"
"Don't worry bout me we are worrying about you now okay?"
"Sofa or bed? Wait that sounds so wrong-ya know what I mean"
"Kay kay"
Terushima took Daishō's hand and took him to the bedroom again, sitting down on the bed with Daishō on his lap.
"So tell me what made you sad?"
"Well..." Daishō told him everything that he had kept to himself his whole life. It all just spilled from his mouth.
"Daishō why didn't you tell me about any of this? I could have helped you"
"Didn't want to... I always did everything alone...I thought you'd be annoyed..."
"Hey I could never be annoyed by you okay?"
"You know what I brought with me??"
"What did you bring?"
"Some good alcohol~"
"Teru you are under age. You can't drink"
"I can it's almost 12 and tomorrow I turn 18 which means that I will be allowed to drink"
"Wait you never told me when your birthday was-I don't have a present-"
"Shhhh. Your present to me is being happy again, kay"
Terushima had wondered why Daishō hadn't moved down from his lap, not that he minded since he kinda enjoyed it. (not in a sexual way you pervert)
They just joked around till it was 12 o'clock
"Oi. Teru"
"Happy birthday shithead"
"Aww thankss"
"Shut uppp. Where's the alcohol?"
"My bag next to the front door"
"I'll get it"
Daishō stood up and came back with the bottle.
"No glasses?"
He sat down again, this time next to Terushima which made him a bit sad.
"Pass the bottle fucker"
"Shut up fucktard" Daishō gave him the bottle which Terushima opened with ease.
He took a big gulp and then another and another
"Oi. Give me the bottle I want some too"
"Sure" He gave the bottle to Daishō who also took some big gulps and that's how it went until the bottle was empty and both were drunk.
"Something I always wondered Teru. What does your tongue piercing feel like?"
"Ya wanna know or feel?"
"Dunno surprise me"
Terushima leaned forward until his lips touched Daishō's.
----------After the do (smut will be uploaded some time when it's finished)------------
"Damn that was soo good" Terushima said laying on the bed again.
"It sure was"
"My head hurtss. Cuddle me"
"Now. Cuddle me now"
"Forget it"
"Daishō pleaseee I need cuddles"
Daishō laid down behind Terushima and wrapped his arms around his waist nuzzling his nose in Terushima's now really disheveled hair.
There was soft snoring, Terushima fell asleep Daishō could only smile softly and fall asleep too.
He woke up with an really bad headache, he cursed himself for drinking so much.
His eyes still closed he tried to remember what happened after he started drinking.
He finally opened his eyes and saw Terushima next to him in one of his shirts.
"What happened?" he whispered to himself trying to remember.
He got up and realized that he was only wearing boxers.
What had happened??
He was walking to the kitchen trying to remember something.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door which startled him.
He quickly put on some sweatpants he found and opened the door.
"Oh. I see looking as good as ever" he didn't even need to look to know who it was.
"What do you want?"
"Well I don't want you so"
"Come on it will be a one night stand"
They started discussing, suddenly there was faint voice.
Daishō could have died right there right then.
Terushima was walking around a bit tipsy, rubbing an eye with the back of his hand and the other playing with the hem of the shirt.
Daishō muttered a small 'fuck'
"What is it?"
"Where are the pain killers? My head hurts"
"Bathroom cabinet above the sink"
"Kay. Hey who ever you are"
Terushima gave a lil wave and left again.
Suddenly everything that happened came flooding back to him and he started blushing, which Mika took the wrong way.
"Aww so cute. Are embarrassed about your friend seeing me?"
"No. Also I fucked my "friend" yesterday night"
"You heard me so"
She started crying and left, Daishō still couldn't believe that he fucked Terushima.
He went into the bathroom too to get some painkillers.
"Teru. You remember anything from yesterday?"
"Yea. You fucked me pretty good"
Daishō blushed furiously, he couldn't take compliments that good.
"Thanks I guess..."
"Aww you look cute rn"
"Shut you cute asshole"
"Aww Daishō thinks I'm cute~"
"I swear to god I will hit you"
"Spank me daddy~"
Daishō just hit him on the head blushing furiously.
"You remember when i showed up at your graduation?"
"Mh. I do"

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