Talking to the moon

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Idea from @homiesexual..tea on TikTok and yes I got the permission from him to do this.
He will upload his own version too his wattpad is lOsErKaWaKiNnIe
Hope you like my version 👉👈
Also the song I used is "Talking to the moon by Bruno Mars"

what if akaashi and Bokuto were studying astrology and had run into eachother on a cliff as akaashi was going to jump but bokuto had stopped him and they talked for hours and hours till the sun rose and they parted and never saw eachother again. then years later at a
bar thinking of attempting again akaashi hears this song and sees that
the one and only bokuto is on the
stage singing about him

His life had been fucked up since he could remember, parents constantly fighting. Telling each other to die and that they weren't good enough.

As he turned six they started fighting over who he'd stay with, he wasn't allowed to choose so he ended up with his father who he honestly grew to hate.

His hate was even deeper than the hole he was staring at.

He had been called stuff like useless, waist of oxygen, every insult his father could think of.

If he had hated him so much why would he take him with him, it had always confused him since it didn't make any sense.

So one day he had asked him about it, he was about six or seven years old.

"Dad? Why did you take me with you if you hate me so much?"

"Why would I leave you with that useless woman? I can bring you way farer than her"


"Now go into your room, I don't wanna see you. You look like her"

"Sorry…", he kept his eyes on the ground as he walked into his room where he grabbed himself a book.

He had always been a fast learner so it had been no problem for him to learn how to read and write.

He had grabbed his book about the stars and all that stuff, it had become some sort of addiction. For him the whole thing about the universe and stars was interesting.

There was so much he and the world doesn't know about, are there really other living creatures out there? How many universes where there? Did you exsist in another universe where your life was the exact opposite of the one you were living right now?

That's why he was studying it now, it was really hooked up on the theories behind the star constellations and all.

He laid down on his back looking at them once more and still questioned the theory he had read not long ago.

He sat up and dropped his stuff to the ground placing it neatly on the ground and then taking out his phone seeing that he had no notifications he set it down on the ground next to his bag.

He slowly stepped backwards until he was on the end of the cliff, he was just about to let himself fall when he was grabbed by his collar.


His life had been nice and good since he could remember, his family was happy, not rich but you don't have to be rich to be happy.

His parents had actually just been friends that decided to adopt a child.

He also had another "brother", he was also adopted and only a few months older.

So he grew up in a happy home, his parents always joking around and he was always doing some stupid shit with his brother.

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