SemiShira ||That storm||

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A/N I am sorry that it's so short but I honestly couldn't think of anything else 💀
But here you go maykorii
Also I will still write some smut don't worry
Slight mention of Homophobia

Hey, could you help me study for the exam that's coming up?


Yeah, you can come over when you have time


I will be there in 30 minutes


Shirabu got up and took some clothes out of his closet, a black and white high waist with a white NASA shirt. (Yes Shirabu would wear something like that don't come @ me or I'll throw hands)

He packed his black rucksack and went to take a shower and brushed his teeth.

He went dried his hair and grabbed his rucksack and went down.

"Where are going dressed like THAT?", his father asked eyeing him up and down.

"To the house of Semi to study", he answered rolling his eyes.

"Not dressed like that"

"What is wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Guys shouldn't wear that you look slutty"

""At least I'm wearing something other than my sister", he spit out and left slamming the door shut.

He made his way to the other's house, first to the bus stop and then the train station and then walking for about 5 minutes.

He felt eyes of others on him and ignored them, he honestly never understood why some people couldn't accept the likes and dislikes of others like what was so hard about that?

He was about to knock on the door when it swung open and a woman about as tall as him stepped out.

"Oh, hello Shirabu-kun. Eita is in his room"

"Uhh, thanks"

"Also I loveee your outfit, you gotta tell me where you get your clothes from next time you come over"

"Yeah…I will"

The woman left and Shirabu went inside, walking up the stairs and knocking on the familiar door.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Can I come in?"


Shirabu opened the door and stepped in setting down his bag.

"What subject?"


"Yeah gimme your notebook"

"Here", the younger one sat down next to elder and handed him his notebook.

Semi's eyes scanned the neatly written down stuff in it and thought about what they had to fix.

They had been studying all day and were now in the kitchen searching for snacks.

"When is your mother coming back?"

"In two days. She's visiting her sister"


"When are you going back home?"

"Dunno, probably in about an hour when my father left for work…"


"Was being an ass again"

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