The truth or the lie?

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Olivia called Eliot to join her at the diner down the street from the precinct.

Eliot arrives and Olivia is sitting down in the booth, Eliot orders a beer, Olivia orders a water. It was awkward for a moment.

"What's wrong lately?" Eliot asked with concern
"That's why I called you here El, I'm taking a couple of days off, I already told captain he assigned you a temporary partner but if I don't come back That's you're partner for good he will call 1pp" Olivia states back
Eliot looks at her confused.
"So this is what you wanted to tell me? You brought me down here to tell me you were leaving?" Eliot says angrily.
Olivia had a tear rolling down her cheek and gets up "well at least I said goodbye and I won't be gone for two years" she stated back
Eliot grabs her hand.
"Why don't you tell me what actually is wrong Liv and stop playing games." He said softly
She pulled away
"I can't, I'll see you later" she said with tears flooding her eyes.
Olivia wanted to tell Eliot she loved him and that Calvin was taken away but she couldn't she didn't know why, she knew that it would interfere with the job, she cared but she didn't care. It was all very confusing to her..
Eliot was wondering what happen to her why is she shutting him out, but he couldn't think of why.

Eliot drives to Olivia's apartment and he arrives there and he knocks and knocks it was 10pm so she was awake but she wasn't answering the door, Eliot knocked harder and harder.
Olivia finally says "OKAY IM COMING" she shouts. She doesn't expect Eliot to be there. There was a blank stare for a few minutes..

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