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-The next day-



Eliot and Olivia both walk into the precinct locking hands. You could definately tell Stephanie was mad but she had no right t o be mad because Eliot was never in love with her. The only woman he loved was Olivia. Stephanie glared over at Olivia and Eliot. They couldn't tell if she was mad or happy for them maybe Stephanie was just trying to help Eliot. But it wouldnt make any sense why would Stepanie be mean about it last time Olivia was here.

"Liv, I want you in my office now" Cregan says. Olivia walks to Cregans office worried that she might have done something wrong.

Eliot walks over to Fin and Munch "Hey guys,Can you both help me with something. Im gonna ask Liv to marry me" he says excitedly

" Oh finally, after all those 12 years as partners you decided to get married it's about time maybe you both will have some acutal things to fight about" Munch says jokingly

Fin laughs and says " Of course Eliot. Does she know you're gonna ask her or are you gonna make it surpirsing?"

Olivia walks out of Captains office with a sad look and walks over to Eliot. Eliot is concernd.

"What is wrong are you okay" he says worried. Liv looks up at Eliot trying to keep a straight sad face

"I GOT MY BADGE!!!" She says excitingly kissing Eliot. Eliot is so happy for her



I'm so happy, I feel like the luckiest man in the whole entire world. I'm going to marry her and nothing can ever chage my mind. It's funny she will be my parnter and now my wife, that is if she says yes. If she doesn't thats fine witih me, becasue just being with her is fine with me. My life evolves around her, always has always will. The face she made when she said she got her badge back was so adorable. I probably cried.



I'm honeslty so happy everything is falling into place. Me and Eliot. I got my badge back

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