It's bensler not bensaro bitch

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-The next morning-



Olivia and Eliot were laying in bed together cuddling. Olivia scooted out of the bed to take a hot shower. Elliot was still alsleep, as she got out of the shower, she got dressed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for him and her. She saw the empty bottle of vodka on the floor and started to cry. She didn't know why she was crying but she felt the need to get drunk. It must be the feeling of betryal or even worse. MISTAKE.

Elliot woke up to the smell of baccon and eggs, he got up and put his pants on and went into the kitchen to kiss Liv and hug her. She kissed him back.

"Good Morning beautiful" he said softly. They had 1 hour to get to the precinct. So they both ate quickly. Elliot took a shower and got dressed and they both finished.

"Liv are you okay? you are so quiet" Elliot says worried

"yeah I'm fine sorry" she said back

They arrived at the precinct as they got in everybody was staring at them awkwardly. Captain called Elliot in his office.

" Hey Liv can we talk for a minute?" Nick said

Liv followed Nick to the cribs and as they got there Nick and Olivia had a silence between them.



I'm so worried I did something wrong to Liv, I wasn't drinking last night and I'm not married to Kathy so I didn't cheat. I don't know but I'm gonna take her somewhere nice tonight...Today feels so weird like everyone was staring like they knew something was up but I don't know what.

"What Nick" Liv says quickly. You could tell she was annoyed for some reason

Nick stares at her for a while and starts yelling " WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM?"

"Excuse me" she says in fury

"yeah Liv..Why are you with him. He hurts you and you love him. I told you I love you and that I would never hurt you like he does." he says with anger

"you're married Nick you couldn't love me you have a daughter YOU COULD NOT LOVE ME" She says yelling. Elliot was near the door and heard the conversation and continued.

"Yeah I'm married but so is can't be mistresses for both of us?" he says cheaply

Olivia starts to have tears in her eyes and slaps Nick across the face.

"He is not married" she said with tears rolling uncontrollably

" That's what you think. What? did he say he loves you and that he is sorry?" he says rudely

Olivia continues to cries. " You son of a bitch" she says as she pushes him and pushes him.

Nick pulls her close and kisses her. Olivia tries to push him away. But he has a tight hold on her. She finally punches him in the stomach.

"For someone who says they would never hurt sure lie.." she says with tears in her eyes.


Elliot ran back to his desk rubbing his face.



I feel so bad about this morning I don't know what is wrong with me im not feeling it i guess. but Nick had some nerve I'm becoming more hurt everyday. I sometimes think about killing myself because of it. But i guess I love getting drunk more. But I'm scared.. what if Elliot is still married to Kathy? I don't wanna think about it.. and I don't want another drunk night.. Maybe just one drink..

Olivia grabs her coat off her chair and goes down to the bar to get a drink. "Vodka straight....keep them coming" she stated. More tears fell from her eyes and just thought to herself.. 'why..' 'why this' 'why that'..

As she finished her drinks the more intoxicated she became. She was having so much fun but then she realized she was just drunk. She sucked it up and smiled and payed for her drinks and left the bar.

Elliot was trying to find her everywhere up and down the streets. He finally stopped the car and saw her "Get in liv" he ordered. "go away Elliot you make everything worse." she said yelling and wobbling. Elliot stopped the car and ran up to her. She tried walking faster but she was just stumbling. "stop" she said crying. "why are you doing this Liv" he asked.

Olivia just looked at him in the eyes.

"I'm doing this because you hurt me and this is my happiness...getting drunk is my happiness.. go back to you're wife and screw her tonight, im guessing last night was fake." she said moving side to side.

Elliot stood there with a tear rolling down his cheek. "that's that i I thought" Olivia said with tears rolling down her face.

As she walks away. Elliot grabs her and pushes to the wall and kisses her.

"Olivia I LOVE YOU, IM NOT MARRIED TO KATHY ANYMORE WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO NICK WHEN YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND IT KILLS ME TO KNOW THAT YOU DO THIS TO YOURESELF. I---LOVE----YOU!" Elliot says. but also adds "If I was married to Kathy why would I ask you?" He says looking at her in the eyes.
Olivia looks away crying her eyes out.. And looks back "Then why aren't we married El HUH...last night was amazing and I love you so much but you ignore the fact that I wanna be married to you"' she says.
Olivia tries to walk away but Elliot pulls her back. Olivia looks at him annoyed.
"let's get excuses no interruptions" Elliot says.
It's been forever. Olivia was waiting for those words to come out of his mouth. She did after all love him uncontrollably.

"Yes!" She said happy crying. They both kissed.

The love between them was so powerful.

A/N: okay guys it's finally over ❤️❤️ tomorrow is the final day❤️

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