[5] Close Calls

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School shoes pounding on the smooth flooring, you ran down the hallway with a purpose, eyes frantically searching. You weren't experienced enough yet to use en while moving, but you had a feeling you would recognize the nen user upon sight. It wasn't that you were intuitive, because you weren't, but this presence felt familiar in a way that made your heart rate pick up.

Turning the corner, you nearly bumped into somebody, quickly side stepping. They were wearing a black hoodie that covered their face so you couldn't tell who it was. Not Nezu, but you were certain they were the first person you detected, the calm person from before. Definitely not the nen user, though. They were probably just another teacher, and you didn't bother to give them a second glance or so much as a muttered 'sorry' before you were running again.

The implications of another nen user being here didn't go past you. There were two options - one, nen was accessible to people here, and just not wildly acknowledged. It was possible, with there being quirks, that some people could develop nen and pass it off as a quirk, but you felt like it would still feel different.

The other option? Somebody else from your world was here. You desperately hoped for the latter, as if somebody else from your world was here, that meant there could be a solid way to travel between the two worlds. It was a massive clue to help you get home!

Skidding to a stop, you scanned the empty halls before closing your eyes again, a hand up to your chest to try and calm yourself as you focused again. It was hard - you were running low on energy, and using en took a hell of a lot out of you, but your determination and adrenaline won out over the tiredness you were feeling as your en slowly extended again. It was still there, heading towards the edge of your radius and away from you now. A floor below you, and heading towards what you thought was the school entrance in slow, calculated movements.

Could this person sense you?

Letting it go, you took a moment to catch your breath, wiping at your forehead, before taking off again. You skipped the steps two at a time, nearly slipping at the end but not caring as you attempted to catch up to the person.

Come on [Y/n], you can't let this person get away!

Soon enough you were near the entrance, pushing violently through the hoards of students who were attempting to leave. The alarm had stopped, but you hadn't noticed the lack of noise through the yelling of everybody.

Searching through these people would be like a needle in a haystack, and if you stopped to try and extend your en again, you would more likely than not be trampled to death by panicked teenagers. You needed to get through the crowd, and quickly.

Shoving everybody out of your way without any regards, you eventually made it outside and quickly broke off from the others, once again scanning the area. You were on your last leg of energy, but you figured you had enough for one more extension of en, and you squeezed your eyes shut, extending it. You could barely get up to 15 meters this time, but it was enough as you felt the familiar aura move towards the gate before disappearing all together.


You hadn't realized you shouted out loud as your eyes snapped open. Disregarding the looks you got from some nearby students, you bolted towards the front gate. Or at least, where the gate was.

When you got there, besides some teachers and the reporters being ushered out, there wasn't anybody, and you could feel your heart sink with disappointment. You didn't have enough energy to try using en again, and it was clear that nobody here was a nen user. The gate, on the other hand, sat in a pile of ash, and you only eyed it for a moment before your shoulders had slumped.

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