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I walk into school with Ethan glued to my side.

"What's up Luke?" I ask him over the phone

"We heard about what's going on there" he tells me

"Yeah it's not the best" I say, "how's Kenya?"

"A bit boring, it's different. We are a relief team for a earthquake" he says

"Lucky!" I say annoyed and he laughs

"We all wish you were here, we've been given a new captain as well! Leroy is joining us halfway though because of some physio thing" he says and I raise my eyebrows

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah he's alright though but it's just the aftercare" he says and i nod

"Luke I gotta go, I'm at school" i tell him and he laughs

"Unlucky!" He says and i shake my head at him

"Thanks for the support" I say

"Love you!" He says

"Love you too" i say before hanging up

"Where are they?" Ethan asks me

"Earthquake relief team in Kenya" I say and he nods

"Sounds fun" he says

"I know! I love helping people there" i say and he smiles at me

"What?" I ask

"Nothing" he says as we walk into homeroom.

"What happened yesterday?" James asks us as we sit down

"His mum fell and couldn't get back up, she tried to call him but couldn't get through so she called me" I lie easily

"Oh my god is she alright?" Ella asks him

"Yeah she's alright now, she hurt her ankle pretty bad though" he says kicking my leg

He's annoyed that he has the cover story.

"I wouldn't tell anyone about it or talk to her about it because she's embarrassed" I add on

"Yeah, you know what she's like" Ethan says and I snicker and he glares at me

"Shut up" he tells me

"Hey, don't get angry at me you wanted this" i say and he laughs

"And you wanted this" he says gesturing to his body and I roll my eyes

"Are you sure you two have never met?" Matt asks

"Yes" we both say together

"Creepy" Ella sings

"We have gym today" Jaz whines as she sits down

"Yes" I mumble

"What are we doing?" I ask eagerly

"Running" Ella tells me and my gaze turns to Ethan and I smile at him

"You've been waiting to burn some steam haven't you?" He asks me

"Yes, and your going down SAS boy" i tell him and he laughs

"Who's the new student?" James asks and we look to see a girl and she meets my gaze and blinks twice at me


I look at Ethan and i nod at him and he leans back in his chair.

"Can Eden Martinez and Ethan Connolly come to the principles office?" The intercom says

Everyone on the table makes ooo noises and Ethan rolls his eyes

"I haven't done anything" I say with a shrug

We both walk out of the classroom and head down the hallway.

"Why is there people guarding the door?" I ask him quietly as I glance around the corner

"It's alright, they are army" he says and i nod and we walk into his office to be greeted by Captain Leroy and another army official.

We both stand up straight as we see them.

"Stand easy" Captain Leroy says and we do as he says

"Private Martinez, I'm General Sanders" he says and i shake his hand

"We're just briefing your headteacher about the close protection" he says and we nod

"I had no idea Ethan, that your I'm the military" he says

"I don't talk about it" Ethan says plainly and I nudge him and he sighs, "I don't bring it up in a conversation"

"I see, well I'm happy with you doing the close protection if you keep for focus in your school work" he says

"Will do sir" Ethan says

"And Eden, if you feel comfortable coming to school that's all good but I don't want to put any of my students at risk" he says and i nod

"Do you want me to not come to school?" I ask him

"Sir I'd just like to say that we have close protection around the entrances and exits, so no one we don't approve of doesn't come into the school. Private Martinez had identified the man and we know who we are looking for. We don't actually know if he is actually following her, this is just precautionary" Captain Leroy says

"Sir? What did you call us in here for?" I ask

"We wanted to brief you about the new students that will be joining, there will be three undercover agents in school until we catch him" General Sanders tells me and i nod

The bells goes and I look to our headteacher.

"Dismissed" Captain Leroy says and we both walk out of the lesson

"That was..." i trail off

"Irrelevant" Ethan says and i chuckle as we walk into English

"Thats one way or putting it" I say

"I just don't see why they need these extra people here" he says and i nod

"I'm here, I get the dramatic duo but I don't see the need with the fake students" He says

"You think you can fight if a terrorist in your own?" I ask him quietly

"I've done it before" he says and I scoff walking into the classroom

"Doesn't surprise me" i say and he smirks as we walk in and every head turns to us

"What's going on?" I mumble

"I have no idea" he mumbles back

"Your on the news!" Ella tells Ethan

"What?" I shriek

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