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Chapter 23: Night?

He lulls me to sleep
And kisses my eyes
Don't tell anybody
That the big bad wolf
Is a puppy in disguise.


Adrienne's POV

I have read it in books, that waking up to someone important always makes you feel happy. I never really understood it. But after not seeing him for 10 days I think I understood many things.
And right now when I am awake next to him and staring at his face like a creepy stalker, I feel happy.

He looks more like him when he is asleep. To all the world, he is King Xavier. But in the shelter of our chamber, he is just Vladimir.

I smile as he stirs and his hands grab my waist again. His face is completely relaxed.

But why do in these peaceful situations, bad ideas always come into my mind?

I really don't want to ruin this morning. But I really want to do it.

I am torn.

After contemplating forever, I come to a solution. I am going to do it.

I grab the pillow next to me and get in position.

And I press the pillow hard on his face. The reaction is instant. Both his hands come to grab my hands.

I shout.

Bloody hell! What is wrong with my volume button?

He finally overpowers me. He literally picks me up and throws me to the side of the bed.

Well me being me, I roll off from the bed and onto the cold hard floor with a loud thud.

“ Bloody hell!” I groan and his head pops up from the sheets. With only one of his eyes open and hair messed up, he barks out a loud and carefree laugh.

Well! I guess he is done being a gentleman.

Pun intended.

“ Aren't you going to ask if I am okay? Or I don't know. Pick me up? ” I narrow my eyes at him, still rubbing my butt.

“ You brought this on yourself.” He speaks between his laugh.
His voice is not husky like they describe in those books. Instead his voice is so high pitched, it would pass for a girl's voice.

A shiver runs down my spine.

Okay! I lied. His voice is way better and huskier than me. God!

I stand up and throw a pillow at him. Which only results in him laughing more.

“ Stop laughing.” I start hitting him with the pillow. When he continues to laugh, I hit him one last time before I climb off the bed and towards the bathroom, angrily.

I didn't even reach halfway, when arms sneak around my waist and I am pressed to a warm and naked chest.

“ I am sorry but it was funny.” His chest rumbles as he lets out a chuckle and places his head on my shoulder. Hugging me from behind.

How am I supposed to stay mad at him now?

I just huff angrily.

“ Why don't I make it up to you?” He whispers in my ear.

“ How?” I ask with mock anger.

He spins me around, and we are face to face.

I look in his bright green eyes. They are filled with a look I know too well.

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