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The song for this chapter is

1- Hold on- Chord overstreet
2- Before you go- Lewis Capaldi.

Play the songs according to the sequences I tell you in and when I tell you.



Chapter 36 : Sacrifice.


“ Life is for the living,
Death is for the dead.
Let life be like music,
And death a note unsaid.”
                           — Langston Hughes.



Vladimir tackled the vampires and started the fight while Adrienne started fighting the spell. She couldn't move and the more she tried to break free the more it looked like someone was pouring vervain and iron on her. The pain was unbearable.

Soon the vampires overpowered Vladimir and he was forced to shift as they grabbed him by shoulder and pushed him down on his knees. They put on a silver cloak on him that had the same binding symbol engraved on the back.

Vampires grabbed Adrienne and brought her in front of him and made her kneel down.

They both kept growling and hissing and trying to break free but those puny vampires had them. And they were also tired due to the fight.

They both looked at eachother as Lamarck laughed.

Third person's P.O.V.

( Play So before you go- Lewis Capaldi.)

Lamarck started circling the both of them as his vampires, elves and feys stood guard.

The question that was in everyone's mind was that why hell are vampires helping their mortal enemies.
Simple. Vampires seek thrill in their immortal life and what else better than complete control over the fey kingdom as Lamarck will be their king. The land of fey has a beauty to it and Vampires will be living there. What more could they want? Endless supply of fey blood. It's like magic to them.

Lamarck claps. “ Listen everybody! I have an offer to make.”

Vladimir growls and moves around as another vampire comes to hold him.
Seven vampires are barely holding him down. Another one joins.

“ Right. So I'll make I simple.” He walks around and stands between the King and Queen.

“ You have you're King here and your future Queen. Now I need you wolves to make a choice. The King or the Queen. ” Lamarck shouts.
When no wolf replies he frowns.

“ What the hell kind of game are you playing at you sick fuck? ” Vladimir growls and starts struggling.
He is heavy with anger. Ready to explode.

Lamarck looks back at him.“ No game. It's a fight. And every fight needs a sacrifice.”

Adrienne's eyebrows furrow because even she didn't knew about this part.
But she can't open her mouth. She is already in so much pain.

Lamarck pushes his hair back. “ You see, I have already binded five places but no portal. Do any of you see any portal opening any time soon?” He asks his goons as they all laugh and shout a no.

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