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Chapter # 28 : Rescue

Vladimir's P.O.V.

There are moments in people's life when they want some kind of super power or some all powerful gadget.
That kind of thoughts are useless.

I have a super power. I am a werewolf king. I have a gadget. A living breathing fey gadget. Lexis , my soon to be father in law. But even he can't do anything. We are sitting ducks. It's like they vanished.

When the news reached Lexis, he came to our realm himself. The similarity between him and Adrienne shocked me to the core. They are both similar in their personality too. They both look to be calm but inside they are the storm. A calm storm is always the most dangerous and destructive. Because it doesn't give any warning. And phoenix fey are known to be calm. Every fey has their own characteristics. I have learned awfully a lot about fey.

My inner circle members took quite a shock when they found out about her identity. The most shocked was Ed. He still is a sucker of fairy tales and he couldn't believe that he was friends with one. Brianna took it well and I think Max already had a inkling about his mate and mine. My parents were shocked. They have never encountered a fey in their life. On the other hand, Kylie somehow got the knowledge of it and has been bouncing around in excitement.

I have searched everywhere. They left no trail.

“ It is useless, Son.” I hear Lexis from my left side.

He and I bonded over the mutual love for one woman. Adrienne.

“ I can't just do nothing.” My sounds sounds hysterical even to my own ears. I must look like a mess too.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I come face to face with eyes terrifyingly identical to hers.

“ I know my brother. He will come to us. After all he wants the fey empire. And he won't kill her because she is his key to the kingdom.” At the word 'kill' we both cringed.

He slumped down in his seat and I slumped down in my seat.

I know be blamed himself and I blamed myself too.

He blames that he could've come here sooner. But I understand him. He didn't want Adrienne to feel pressured in taking the throne. He also didn't wanted the fey kingdom to know about her existence just yet. He saw how happy she was and he wanted her to remain happy. Nobody thought that something like this would happen.

Suddenly, his whole demeanor changed and he perked up.

“ He's here and he's early.” And he runs off.

I stand up quickly and run after him.

Please let her be okay. I haven't seen her for more than 7 days.

I run and shout orders. My already ready army, gets out. Ready to defend thier king and queen.

I run outside and shift. I see a big shadow and look up. Lexis is gliding through the air with his big white wings. This is the first time I have seen him in action.

His wings are feathered and longer than his whole body.
They will drag behind him when he walks.

I focus my attention on the border and I see them.

A flock of hundreds. A flock of hundred vampires and some fey.

I stop right in front of them and shift back. I am handed a big cloak and I cover up.

Lexis lands right next to me and he pushes his wings around him as a shield.

“ AH. BIG BROTHER.” A loud and awfully cheery voice speaks and the crowd parts.

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