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"She could knock the best of men off their feet."

Robyn's words echo between them as Alec continues to gape, lips parted as his breath remains stolen in his throat. She let him take his time, let him think over her words carefully as she continued to draw her fingers over him in any way that she was allowed, in any place that she could reach.

It was a foolish thing, really, saying something like that but not thinking anything through. She didn't regret it and the longer she sat here considering it the more she wished for it to come true.

They had a few problems that they would need to work through as whatever they had was still new and no relationship was perfect enough to get by on so little, to get by on nothing, but this was likely what was the best option that they had. There was no way that he was going to be accepted here, Alec had made that clear, and even if they came to view how wrong they were, he wasn't going to allow himself to belong.

To be frank, Robyn wouldn't wish to live on here either, not with the people who had treated her so terribly, not where her childhood was ruined.

If they could leave, if they left, then things would be so much better that as no one would have a clue who they were. They would be free to be whoever they want, say that they were anyone they want.

Thye could even claim to be someone different each new place that they went! It would be so freeing, so perfect, that they could be whoever they wanted whenever they so much as wished it. Alec wouldn't need to fear, Jane, who could join them, could learn not to be so angry all the time.

Robyn began to form her hasty words into a quick plan, enjoying it more and more as she went. They could change their names! It was all so terribly exciting.

Best of all, they could be happy, Alec would be happy.

And that was all she truly needed in life to be happy.

"You can't be serious, Robyn," he says, shifting so quickly that her cheeks were cupped in his hands. "Tell me that you're just trying to be funny."

"I'm not. I want you to run away with me, Alec. We can get away from this place, start again somewhere new or nowhere at all. It is the people here, is it not, that makes it so difficult to see yourself in all of your magnificence. Together, we can go and be free again," she says, pressing forward so that her forehead was against his.

His eyes fall shut as he quickly shakes his head. "I- we couldn't just leave, Robyn. There are things here that can't be--"

"Jane can come with us. We can all go together and never need to return."

"Do you not hear how ridiculous you sound right now, Robyn?" he breathes but there's no harshness or anger to his voice. "I tell you we can no longer be together and you ask me to run away with you. You would be damned, your reputation ruined."

"My reputation means nothing to me. I would rather be nothing, be no one than have my status be the reason that we cannot be together," she snaps.

"You would give up your life? Your chance at a well-to-do husband and children?"

"I would give up anything to be with you and so long as you want to be with me, then I would do anything to make that possible," Robyn stressed. "Alec, the only thing I've come to truly care for in my life is you."

He shakes his head, pushing her away. Robyn stumbles.

"I can't go with you, Robyn."

Tears burn in her eyes. "You can't or you don't want to?" she questions with a sniffle.

Wildflowers | Alec VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now