thank you & sequel

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It has taken me a considerable amount of time to write this book because I simply can't focus on more than one thing at a time. I am thrilled to finally say that I've finished something that I've started such a long time ago, if only for the fact that it shows that I can write pretty quickly for certain things if I can only set my mind to it.

I would like to thank everyone for reading this book. It isn't one of my popular stories, but it was one that I wanted to write for a while and I combat tell you how accomplished I feel knowing that I've completed it.

So thank you for reading on. Thank you if you've stuck around after all my indecisive posting. Thank you for every one of your votes, comments and reads.

Thank you thank you thank you for everything.

And thank me for actually writing something!!

I look forward to seeing you all in the sequel (whenever I should decide to post it).

The sequel in question will be called From the Meadow and I encourage you to keep an eye out for it!!

For now you can check out my other stories on my page!!

Thank you all again and don't forget to leave a follow!!

— Ronnie xoxo

++ also,, are there any questions that I can answer for you? Any questions about Robyn? My writing? Anything?

Feel free to ask :))

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