Chapter 5

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Kendall breaks down at Scott's words.

"Kendall, Baby, I'm sorry. That came out wrong." He quickly embraces her, and suddenly, I feel like I shouldn't be there.

"Um... I should be going." Kendall and Scott both turn towards me.

"Mallory, please stay," Kendall insists.

"You two have a lot to talk about," I explain.

"Mallory, you're family," Scott adds.

I sit back and take a sip of my iced tea. Scott gives Kendall another quick hug, sits back in his chair, and again takes her hand into his.

Scott takes a deep breath. "Give me a minute to take this in."

We all sit silently for several moments, giving Scott time.

Scott speaks, "So pregnant, huh?"

"Yep," Kendall quips.

"How did it happen?" Kendall smirks and raises her eyebrows at Scott. "I mean, I know HOW it happened. I just thought that you were on birth control."

"I was up until I found out that I was pregnant. The doctor said that there is typically a 97% of birth control pills preventing pregnancy and can be as low as 91%," Kendall explains.

"I guess we were in the lucky 3%." He smirks.

"So you're not mad?" Kendall asks quietly.

He smiles, "Surprised? Yes. Mad? Hell no."

"I just thought with the way we had our lives all planned out, it would piss you off, or you'll hate me," Kendal confesses.

Kendall puts her head down, and Scott places his finger gently under her chin.

He lifts her face and looks into her eyes. "First and foremost, I could never hate you, ever! Second, life has a way of throwing you a curveball. Even the best of plans for a future can change in an instant."

Scott looks over at me as tears well up in my eyes. He gives me a sad smile, then turns back to Kendall.

"So, how far along are you?" He sweetly touches her tiny baby bump.

Kendall places her hands over Scott's. "A little over four months."

Surprised, he asks, "Four months, and you just found out?"

She nods her head. "You know how irregular I can be, and I was on the pill. Trust me; I was just as shocked as you are now."

"Wow, you're about halfway through, and we didn't have a clue." Scott's eyes go wide in disbelief.

"No clue whatsoever. The only reason that I went to the doctor is that work requires us to get yearly checkups. Who knows when I would have figured it out," Kendall replies.

"I would think that once it started to move, you might have an idea that something was up," I added.

We all laugh as Kendall agrees, "You would think so."

"So when is your next appointment with the obstetrician? I want to make sure that I take off." Scott says sweetly, and I smile.

"Next Wednesday at 10:00," she responds.

Scott takes Kendall's hands. "I'll make sure to get off."

"Thank you." Kendall looks over at me. "I'd like you to be there too. After all, you are the godmother."

Awe. "Count me in!"

 "Count me in!"

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