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It was the last week of summer already. Time had passed by so quickly you almost couldn't believe it. You were excited to go back to Hogwarts, but at the same time not ready for the number of assignments there would be. This was going to be your fourth year. It felt like yesterday when you first walked into the Great Hall. You could remember the murmurs that ran through the corridors as people anxiously awaited to be sorted in their houses. The one person they were most excited about was Harry Potter. All the older students wanted him to be in their house. Gryffindor had never cheered louder that day when Harry took a seat at their house table.

     You distinctly remembered how your stomach did somersaults as McGonagall got closer to announcing your name. You were hoping to be Slytherin, as you were from a family of purebloods that were all in Slytherin house. You could remember the relief you felt when the hat exclaimed, "SLYTHERIN!"

     With a knock at your door, you snapped out of your daydream.

"Come in," you shouted. It was your father. The only way you could describe your father was intimidating. His face was always cold and stern.

"Your mother wants to go to Diagon Alley to get your books," he said in a monotone voice. Mom wanting for us all to go on a family outing in Diagon Alley, you thought. It seemed like another one of her attempts for us all to do normal things as a family.

"Did you hear me," he snapped you out of your daydream again.

"Yes, father, I'll be down in a minute." He gave you a nod in reply and shut your door.

     You rummaged through your drawers, trying to find an outfit. You decided on black jeans and an emerald green sweater. Green practically made up your whole wardrobe. Not just because you were in Slytherin, but because it was your favorite color. Once you were dressed, you hurried down the grand staircase, knowing that your father was growing impatient. You met your mother and father in the living room.

     You glanced at your mother, who was giving you a warm smile. You only had kind words for your mother. She was your inspiration. She always believed in you and supported every single choice that you made.

"Are you ready dear," she asked.

"Yes, mum," you said with a smile. With that, your father got the jar of floo powder off of the mantle. You hated traveling by floo; it made you terribly sick. Your father had your mum go first and then you.

     After having to sit down for a minute or two from the dizziness, the three of you set off. Your mother had the list from Hogwarts in her hand, deciding which store you should go to first.

"Dear, you grew quite a bit this summer. We should stop at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions first," she said.

     When you entered Madam Malkin's, you were immediately pulled up onto a stool to get measured.

"You grew quite a bit (Y/N)," Madam Malkin exclaimed. You shot her a fake smile, as you hated being measured. Madam Malkin was not gentle at all and would move you harshly instead of asking you to move. Just as you were about to roll your eyes and scoff, a familiar face walked in, followed by his father.

     Your father got up and shook Mr. Malfoy's hand.

"Ahh, Lucius, it's been so long," he said.

"Why, yes, it has Ezekiel. How has the family been?" Mr. Malfoy asked.

"Oh, just fine. Evelyn and I just brought our daughter here for her new school robes," your father replied.

"Ahh, I see, that's just why Draco and I are here. Well, go ahead, Draco, step up," Mr. Malfoy said, glaring at Draco. Following his father's command, Draco stepped up on the stool next to you. He shot you a quick glance before Madam Malkin hurried out from the back room.

"Well, look who we have here! Mr. Draco Malfoy," Madam Malkin said while pinching Draco's cheeks. He looked petrified at that moment. You couldn't help but smirk. Draco kept the unsettled expression fixed on his face while Madam measured him. When she walked back into the room in the back, your parents were already deep in conversation. As you and Draco waited for Madam to return with your robes, you decided to initiate conversation.

"Hey Malfoy," you said blankly.

     He glanced over to you and replied, "Hello, Viper." You two had this thing where you called each other by surname. Well, it wasn't really your thing as much as Draco's.

"What trouble have you been getting into over holiday," you asked him with a smirk.

"Nothing, of course, I'm an angel. What about you?" he said.

"Well, you would know if you actually took the time to write me," you said.

"You know that's not my thing. Have I ever written to you over a holiday in all four years of knowing you?" he scoffed. Before you could answer, Madam Malkin returned with you and Draco's robes.

"Well, it was nice catching up with you, Lucius. Evelyn and I must have you and Narcissa over for dinner before the children leave for Hogwarts," your father says.

"That would be wonderful. Come along now, Draco, we must go get gold from your vault," Mr. Malfoy said. With that, Draco stepped down and grabbed his robes from Madam. Before leaving, he looked back at you quickly. That was strange, you thought to yourself.

"Come now, dearie. We have more places to be," your mum said with a smile.

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