𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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"Hey! Would you two get up already? It's 10:00 am on a Saturday and you two are sleeping like bears on the floor when we should all be going out to Hogsmeade for the day," you heard someone shout. You slowly opened your eyes, exposing yourself to the harsh daylight. Blaise was standing over you, waving his arms in front of your eyes.

     You looked around to realize that you and Draco had fallen asleep last night. You were sprawled out across the floor, and your head rested on Malfoy's chest. Draco had his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you tight as a child would do to a teddy bear. You grabbed Draco's hands and freed yourself from his grasp, which then disrupted his sound sleep. He grunted and jolted upright, clashing into your head. While you whimpered and reached to rub your head in the collision result, Draco struggled to open his eyes.

"Did we fall asleep down here," Draco asked in his deep and scratchy sleepy voice.

"Yeah, you did. If you two are going to keep doing couple things, then just date already. We all know that you both fancy one another," Blaise spat, annoyed. You glanced over to the sleepy Draco who's cheeks were now red.

"Oh sod off, Blaise. I was only helping her with Potions. Snape was giving her a hard time. That's all. Don't be angry at me just because you can't find a girl that would tolerate spending the night with the likes of you," Draco spat back. Blaise lunged at Draco before you blocked him with your arm.

"Will you two stop! Blaise is right. It's a Saturday. We shouldn't be holed up in the common room any longer," you said as you attempted to steady yourself and stand up. Your body wasn't quite in line with your brain, so you fell back into Draco's lap.

"Would you watch it?! You're going to kill yourself before we even make it a foot down the Slytherin wing," Draco said as he hoisted the two of you on your feet, holding onto your arms to ensure that you were steady enough.

"Speaking of Snape, he wants us all to meet as a house tomorrow. I guess all of the houses are getting together to discuss something," Blaise said as he picked up your textbook and quill from the ground and placed it on a nearby end table.

"I'm sure it's nothing important. It's odd that Snape would call a house meeting though. I don't even think we have ever really had an official one," you said.

"I could care less. I'll be in the back sleeping," Draco said as he fixed the cuffs of his shirt.

"Are you not planning on changing your clothes to go to Hogsmeade? You're tidying up that shirt as if you don't need to change out of yesterday's clothes," you said in a disgusted tone.

"It's just Hogsmeade. This shirt is fine. I barely even wore it yesterday.  See, smell it," Draco said as he shoved his button up in your face. You couldn't disagree. The shirt smelt far from bad.

"Whatever. I am going up to change, because I don't enjoy living in my own filth," you said as you walked towards the girl's dormitories.


     Once you, Draco, and Blaise made it over to The Three Broomsticks, you all sat down at a table and put in orders for butter beers. Draco and Blaise were blabbering on about what the next task could be while you sat there and played with the ends of your hair. That is until you noticed Harry Potter walk in with a stack of books taking a seat in the corner. After sitting down, he glanced at you and then to his table promptly. You giggled at how awkward he could be at times as if your presence intimidated him.

"What are you laughing at," Draco mocked as he slapped your arm. Still looking at Harry, you responded.

"Nothing. I'll be right back," you said before standing up and walking over to Harry's empty table. Harry looked up at you as you sat across from him.

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