Silent Cries

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"You've been really quiet recently Hizashi." Midnight probably said it just to tease. With the provisional license exams behind them things had been more relaxed. Nemuri was just joking.

   So why did it hurt so much? Why did it strike a nerve? "I was tortured, Nemuri."

   Nemuri's eyes flew wide. "Zashi I… That's not what I meant!"

   "What did you mean?" He raised a brow behind his sunglasses.

   "It was just a joke." She huffed.
   "Right because my pain is a joke?" Hizashi crossed my arms.

   "You know damn well that's not what I meant!" Nemuri snapped his eye twitching.

   "Nemuri my voice hurts me!" I admitted effectively shutting this down. "They put a muzzle on me! They would whip my throat. My throat! Until it was a bloody mess." I unclipped the clamp on the back of my speaker and slid it off. "They left these scars and some unfixable damage on the inside. My Quirk is fine but it hurts like hell. Talking hurts like hell."

   "Why didn't you tell me…?" A new voice cut in. Shit.

   Hizashi whirled around. "Shouta..." he felt quilt and shame well up inside him. "I didn't… I just… I didn't wanna be a bother. I caused enough trouble."

   "Hizashi!" Shouta's voice was filled to the brim with emotion. He took a couple strides across the room and gathered the blonde in his arms. "You are not a bother. Hizashi you were tortured and when you woke up you immediately went back to being you. You deserve a chance to not be okay."

   Hizashi was stiff before the dam broke. He gripped onto the back of Shouta's shirt. Tears dripped from his face. He only cried silently when he was hurting. He must be hurting really bad.


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