Ch. 1 Intro

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Third Person POV

Bruce was India for about six months, the villagers on edge, about hearing movement in the night, about some monster that has plagued the lands,

But Bruce knew what real monsters were like, the kind that was trapped inside of him,

As he walked he noticed a crowd of people near the woods edge,

"Word is that the monster is in a nearby cave! how about we get rid of it once and for all!" A man standing on some loading boxes yelled

Most of the villagers except children and some women were in the group,

"Yeah! lets go!" One man said

"Yes we cannot wait any longer!" Another man said

"What's going on?" Bruce asked a woman,

"Word has it an animal, has been stealing our supplies and food, no one has seen the creature but everyone has noticed the missing of items," The woman said

Bruce nodded

Bruce watched as all the villagers men left into the woods,

Bruce started making his way back to his temporary home, when he heard a twig snap,

Making his head snap into the direction,

"Is someone there?" He asked while the big guy inside of him was on alert

Bruce saw a pare of glowing eyes, they weren't animal eyes no they were round just like human eyes,

"It's alright I'm a doctor I won't harm you," Bruce said as he keeled down as if coaxing a little rabbit to get some food from his hand

Slowly a small tiny figure walked out of the darkness, covered in blood and cuts, no clothes, hugging her tiny body, her long brown hair tangled with some twigs and leaves, her blue eyes so captivating,

"Oh my god!," Bruce said rushing towards the small little girl

But she backed away afraid of the rushing adult,

"It's alright I will not harm you, I'm a doctor I just want to see your injuries," Bruce said

He slowly approached the little girl, some cuts not deep while others needed more medical attention,

Bruce shimmied off his jacket wrapping it around the tiny little girls body,

"May I pick you up?" Bruce asked

The child hesitated,

"It's alright I am going to help you," Bruce said smiling at the child

The child nodded,

Bruce slowly picked up the child, She was light this concerned both Bruce and the Big guy surprisingly,

As Bruce finally made it back to his home, he sat the child on the table in the kitchen,

Bruce took his jacket off of the child as he examined the more concerning injury from her belly button to her hip, it was deep and bleeding profusely,

he quickly grabbed his supplies,

"By the way my name is Bruce," Bruce said as he grabbed some gauze and put some alcohol on it,

The little girl nodded,

"Do you have a name?" Bruce asked

The child nodded,

"L-Lilly, my name's Lilly," She said with raspy voice

"Lilly that's a very pretty name," Bruce said looking into her blue vibrant eyes,

"Lilly this may hurt for a little bit but I'm going to help stop the bleeding okay?" Bruce said

Lilly nodded

As he dabbed her cut he could see the discomfort in her face

Afte stitching up the wound which she was very squirmy for which is understandable, he wrapped her stomach with gauze

Then He tended to her less urgent cuts to her forehead, arms, legs, butting small bandages on them,

He looked around the house for anything remotely small enough to fit this child but he couldn't find anything,

So he took one of his unworn shirts and put it on her it was so long that it came down to her ankles,

"Come on you must be tired," Bruce said picking her up lightly

He carried her up to his room laying her gently on the bed,

"We'll talk in the morning," He said gently brushing some of the hair out of her face,

All Bruce knew is that he needed answer on how he found her in this condition, but he knew he had to save that for the morning,

He slowly closed the door but he could also feel the big guy caring for the child's health also,

"Goodnight Lilly," He mumbled

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