Chapter 463: Children Who Leave Home Can't Afford To Hurt

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Bamboo shoots are indispensable, but judging from Xiong Bai's joy that night, the tender bamboo shoots alone should not satisfy the panda's appetite.  So Bai Yue also asked Xiong Yao to chop some old bamboos and tender bamboos that had just grown into shape and had not hardened.

Yingxuan was in charge of hunting, and Snake Ling was in charge of catching fish, and the remaining wolf and tiger became messengers.

It is not a small project to prepare food for hundreds of people. With human capacity, it is impossible for a few people to complete it.

Fortunately, the beast's human body is very powerful, and it is not difficult to do this. Xiong Bai also asked some friends for help and hurriedly made a richer bamboo feast before the sun set.

It was dusk, and the temperature had dropped, but many fluffy pandas sat on the clearing and looked warm.

"Okay, everything is done, ready to eat!" Bai Yue raised her spatula in a loud voice.


The adult pandas cheered vigorously, craned their necks and looked inside while squeezing over.

The food is placed on a bamboo mat:

The old bamboo is filled with minced meat, steamed on a high fire, and then cut into bamboo sections and placed neatly. The rich bamboo fragrance can't cover even the meaty smell, let alone a panda, even Xiong Yao covets when he smells it;

The freshly formed tender bamboo pursues the taste and makes a cold dish.  Crush the bamboo, add salt, minced ginger garlic, plant leaves, and stir.  The color of the finished dish is green and green, and the fragrance is fresh and appetizing.

The bamboo shoots are still stewed with fish, which is a big pot as the main dish.  First, fry the fish until it is browned, hold it aside, and stir-fry the ginger, garlic and dried chili with the fragrance of the fish in the pan, then add bamboo shoots and stir-fry, then re-enter the fish and add boiling water to simmer.  Uncovering the lid of the pot, a large scent spread, covering all the dishes in an instant.

The surrounding panda orcs had their eyes straightened and swallowed gruntingly.

The well-informed old panda patriarch was also amazed: "I didn't expect you to have such a research on cooking. It really opened our eyes."

Langzhi was ashamed. If it weren't for Guoguo, the panda lunch he had at noon today would have opened his eyes.

"Our diet reform has just started, and many of them are in the research stage. These are the first time I have done it. I don't know how it tastes." Langzhi is modest and authentic. This humility also makes him feel complacent. It is obviously the fruit of fruit.

But for a peaceful life, Guoguo had better not be too dazzling.

"It looks delicious. I can't wait to taste it soon." The head of the panda swallowed his saliva and reached for a piece of old bamboo steamed meat and took a bite.

"Kacha" Bamboo made a loud protest in the patriarch's mouth, and the pandas all swallowed with their hands.

They also picked up the bamboo tube meat and ate it with chuckles.

Xiong Bai grabbed a handful of cold dishes made of shredded bamboo and asked as he ate, "Guoguo, why don't you make bamboo steamed rice? That's delicious."

Bai Yue quickly winked at him and whispered: "Do you think we are a mobile warehouse? You are a few hundred people, how can we have so many meters."

"Yeah." Xiong Bai scratched his head silly, and stuffed another handful of food into his mouth.

Seeing everyone eating with gusto, Lele which is hiding behind the house almost cried.

"Mom, Lele wants to eat." Lele rubbed his hungry belly. His emerald eyes full of sadness.

You can't afford to hurt a child who runs away from home!

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