Nursing home

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You root through your closet for something professional to wear. Though your night with Shane and Jason has lingered in your dreams, you've other things to worry about. ' I've a really important meeting today. 'The Raise a Glass' my bar is in trouble, and I need to look like the person in charge not a bartender. You fiddle with your skirt in front of your full - length mirror. ' I hope this will do the trick.... I can't let Me.winters bully me into selling Raise a Glass'. Checking your phone you let out a curse. 'Shit. I'm late. I still have to check in with pops before the meeting.' soon, you're pulling into the familiar parking lot of Fairfax Nursing Home. ' I hope he is doing better today.' you sign in at the front desk and give your favourite nurse a smile. " Hey, Sara. How is our patient today?"

" Cranky" - sara.

" Ah.... Any advice?"  - Ana

" Not really. He always feels better after a visit from you. You look nice by the way." - sara

" Thanks. I have a meeting after this with a real estate developer, I hate business attire." You wave at her and head to the room 404, where pops is waiting. ' I was 16 when I ran away from home and terrified ou of my mind. I'd be stealing food from the Raise A Glass's pantry for weeks, but Pops didn't kick me out when he caught me. He handed me an apron and told me I'd have to work for my dinner.' You sit by his bed and touch his weathered hand. He rouses from sleep and gives you a crooked smile.
" There's my fighting girl. You ready for the meeting with Winters?" He reads your facial expression like a book and grins." I almost feel bad for the poor bastard."

" Don't worry, Pops we aren't selling. He might not like it, but I won't let him bully me."

" I know you won't. You don't let anyone push you around. But, Ana it's okay to take the money, sell the place start brand new."

" No. The Raise A Glass  is my home. It's all I've left. I'll never sell it to some sleazy developer who's just going to tear it down. You'll see. I have plans, I can do this."

" Stubborn girl."  - Pops

" An attribute I claim from you." - Ana.

" You've stroked the old fire in me. Give that bastard hell, and tell him where he can stick his deal." - Pops

" I promise." - Ana.

" Ana, you may not be my flesh and blood..... But, you are mine. Hard head and all." You blink back tears as you look into his cloudy brown eyes.

" Pops.... You're mine too. We're going to beat this. Keep fighting oldman.i got this ..... And I don't want to hear otherwise." You clear your throat and look away to hide the tears. ' I'll not cry..... I'll not cry.' " If it wasn't for you, I'd be in a far worse situation than I am now and no matter what I'm going to repay that debt."

"There's no debt between family Ana."

" I've got to that meeting Pops, I'll come straight back to tell you how it went, okay?." You kiss his forehead and then leave his room. 'I won't let Pops down. I won't let Mr. Winters take the bar from us without a fight.'

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