The Deck

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Stepping out on to the deck, your jaw drops at the sight before you. " Wow. It's beautiful out here." - Ana.

" Shane designed it. He designed the entire condo." Jason flashes you a sardonic smile as he sits on one of the deck chairs. " I paid for it."

"Couldn't he afford it himself? If he's an architect working for Winter Traverse, he must be in high demand." - Ana.

" He is. He's an excellent architect. But he's terrible with money and organisation. He's just like to create, without thinking about trivial things like who's going to pay him for it." Jason pulls a bottle of wine into his lap and uncorks it with expert precision. " I suppose that's part of why we're well suited for each other".

' well suited for eachother......
But then why do they need me?'
" You two do seem to complement each other well." You noticed a sand covered surf board propped up against the railing of the deck. " Do you surf too?"

"No. Shane is from California, I am from the city. Grew up in Manhattan. I prefer my nature at the comfortable distance." - Jason

" How did you and Shane meet?" - Ana.

" At a real estate convention. I was already working for Winter Traverse at their legal team. He was an up-and-coming architect. Everyone wanted him." - Jason

" But you're the one who got him." - Ana.

" Don't tell Ty, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the company that caught his eyes." Jason gets to his feet and tends to the fire pit, pulling cheese and crackers from a basket.

You watch him work curling up under you.' It almost scares me how at home  I feel already.' " Honestly Jason this is all new territory for me."

"That's okay. That's what tonight is for." Shane reappears on the deck in fresh clothes. His hand skims over Jason's back before he takes aseat next to you. " So go on. Now's your chance to ask us anything. The three of us have a connection, and Jason and I want to pursue it.

" Pursue what exactly?" Jason and Shane exchange another one of their intimate knowing looks. ' That's not good two against one is never good odds.'

"We wanted to pursue a relationship,Ana." - Jason

" A relationship? Um... How would that work? Do you have an open relationship? You just sleep with who you want?" - Ana

" No. What we want is a committed trinogamy " - Jason

" We'd share our lives like any other couple. There would just be three of us." - Shane

You draw in a deep breath as you take in what they're saying. " Sorry. This is all a little too much." - Ana

"We're not asking you to move in, Ana. We're just asking you to date us, knowing what we ultimately want." - Jason.

You bite your lip, considering. " Well, I don't do commitments." - Ana.

"What does that mean?" - Jason

" It means I like my freedom." - Ana

" Maybe you just haven't met your match yet." - Shane

You consider that, sipping from the glass of wine Jason hands to you. " I'll tell you what. I'll consider a relationship ...... Once my bucket list is completed." - Ana

" Your what?" - Shane

With an impish grin, you show them the list on your phone.

Shane releases a low whistle as he reads the contents."My God. You really are the perfect women."

You laugh as Jason hands your phone back. " I don't think we'll have much trouble getting you to come around." - Jason

" Pretty cocky for a guy who instated a no sex rule tonight." - Ana

" You said you have Monday and Tuesday off. I make no promises about tomorrow." - Jason

" If you say so." - Ana.
You sit back in your chair for the next few hours, you eat roasted cheese and drink wine and talk. ' I already know we had a great chemistry in bed, but I'm surprised how easy  it is two talk with them. I don't feel like a third wheel. I feel like I've known both of them  for years.' At a lull in the conversation, an exhausted yawn escapes You.

" We should turn in for the night. We have a spacious guest room, Ana but you're welcome to stay with us" - Jason.

"For the record, we'd definitely prefer the latter." - Shane.

" will your bed fit all three of us?" - Ana.

" Come see for yourself." - Shane

" Okay then. Lead the way." - Ana.

Shane beams and two men lead you to their bedroom.

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