Mr. Winters

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You speed through afternoon traffic and rush into the office of Winters." 'Winters is the biggest housing developer in the state. They build million dollar condos on the beach and swindle local landowners into lowball appraisals. It's a highway robbery, and no one tries to stop them or stand up to them.' You March up to the receptionist and smile. ' Until today, my strategy is be polite and professional.' " Ana Sorensen to see Mr. Winters? I've an appointment." The receptionist checks something on her computer. " Mr. Winter is waiting. you are late."

' Give me a break. It's only five past nine.' You hold back the words and keep your smile in place. " I apologize. Traffic can be tricky at this time in the morning."

" You can head in. It's the door on your right." You walk into an office with floor to ceiling windows and gorgeous view. The office occupant is even more impressive, seated at the desk of a tailor cut suit.

" Ms. Sorensen. Please have a seat, I've been waiting." - Mr. W

" Um... I'm sorry to keep you." You tilt across from him and tilt your chin up confidently. " But, I'm here now."

" Right. I was expecting Mr.... Nate peterson?" He checks the red folder infront of him, frowning.

" Mr. Peterson is currently in a Nursing Home in poor health. I'm here to speak on his behalf." - Ana

" Are you his power of attorney?" - Mr. W

" Well..... In a manner of speaking." - Ana

Winters sigh as if you're wasting his time. " I'm uncomfortable talking contracts with someone who isn't legally authorised to speak on Mr. Peterson's behalf." - Mr. W

" That's fine, because I'm not here to talk contracts and negotiations. I'm here to tell you we're not selling." - Ana

" Ms. Sorensen, this is by far the best offer you're going to get for that eyesore. The demolition crew is already contracted and ready to go." - Mr. W

Your hackles rise at his condenscending tone. 'Pops is like a father to me, I don't let him intimidate me.' " Don't waste your breath, Mr. Winters, Raise A Glass isn't for sale."

" I advise you to reconsider. It's a generous offer." - Mr. W

You hate that he is testing your patience."It's a crap offer, and you know it." Mr. Winters narrow his eyes ' I bet he's not used to people talk back to him, but I'm not going to let that intimidate me.' " Listen, Mr. Winters this isn't about money. It doesn't matter how much you offer, that's not the point. I don't know when the shoreline became strictly for the rich, but it fucking blows. That's why I refuse to give up The Raise A Glass." - Ana

" I urge Mr. Peterson to reconsider change is coming. The town wants this redevelopment and your little establishment is in the way." - Mr. W

" I don't have to persuade Mr. Peterson to do anything. We don't accept. Take your shitty offer and shove it up your ass." Your meeting is interrupted when the door to his office swings open.

"Ty, I have space I wanted to show you......" Shane August stands before you, a tablet in his hand. He looks up when he finds Ty isn't alone, his eyes widen. " I didn't realise you We're still in a meeting." ' I haven't seen Shane since our night. He's as gorgeous as ever...... And apparently he works for a monster.' " We done with our meeting." You jump up, feeling sick to your stomach. You race past Shane without a word and hurry toward the exit.

" Ana? Wait!" - Shane

You turn and face him, crossing your arms over your chest. " I'm incredibly intrested in your Explanation for this."

" I told you. I was an architect." - Shane

" You didn't tell me you worked for Mr. Winters." - Ana

" Why were you meeting with Ty?" - Shane

" Like you don't know." You try to push past him, out the door, but he stops you. " I don't know, Ana."

" Fuck off." You stomp off to your car and drive off, trying to catch your breath. ' what an idiot I am. The term ' sleeping with enemy ' could not be more appropriate.

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