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Harry had been non-stop busy for the last two and a half months. He had two manuscripts to read, edit, and pass on to the publisher of the company for a big name author. It was a lot of pressure, and he'd been on a tight deadline. He'd finally finished editing both manuscripts and sent them over to his boss that morning, and he was beyond ready to grab a drink with his coworkers at the end of the day.
He checked the clock, leaning back in his office chair, suit jacket hung neatly over the back. 4:27. He figured that was close enough to the end of the day and logged in to check his email one more time before packing up for the day. He scrolled through pages of unread emails, some junk, some editing inquiries that he had to forward to his boss, nothing too exciting. He logged out and turned his computer off before gathering his notes and pens and shoving them into his bag. He was honestly grateful to be going home without a new manuscript, he needed one night without a million mental deadlines.

"Mr. Styles."

Harry looked up from where he was knelt on the ground, tucking things into his bag. His boss' secretary was stood just outside his office.

"Mary. What can I do for you?"

"Mr. Oliver would like you to stop into his office before you leave tonight." She smiled at him sweetly, leaning against the door frame.

"Right. Thank you, I will."

"Alright." She twirled her finger in her hair absentmindedly, watching Harry with an admirable gaze.

"Anything else?" Harry asked, breaking her out of her daze.

"Oh, no. No, that's all. See you tomorrow Mr. Styles."

"You too." Harry fumbled with the rest of his things uncomfortably, rushing a bit so he could get to his boss' office and still out the door by 5:00.

He pulled his suit jacket on again, fixed the collar, and slung his messenger bag over his shoulder, before turning off the lights and heading out of his office. He walked through the office building, making small talk with some of the people who were going out for drinks in a bit, and then took the elevator up three floors to his boss' office.
He knocked on the wooden, office door with the back of his knuckles. He barely heard someone call for him to come in.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Styles. Yes, come in lad."
Mr. Oliver was a man of average height and build, his black hair speckled with sophisticated looking greys, and he a pair of wire spectacles tucked into the breast pocket of his suit.

Harry walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. Mr. Oliver's desk was a mess of at least a dozen manuscripts, loose leaf paper, pens, and countless rubber bands; all very messy for someone who always looked so put together.
Harry sat down in one of the chairs across from his desk.

"I received the manuscripts you edited this morning. They both look splendid. Superb job, my boy."

Harry wasn't entirely surprised that the work was done well, he literally hadn't slept more than three hours a night for the last two and a half months trying to make all of the edits perfect. But he was surprised to be called in to his boss' office just for praise.

"Uh, thank you sir. I'm glad they're to your standards."

"Indeed." Mr. Oliver leaned forward on his desk, his elbows against the wood, chin in his hands as he looked at Harry.

Harry tried not to feel intimidated by his gaze.

"You enjoy travelling for work sometimes if I recall, Styles?"

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