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Harry picked up the phone as soon as he got home from work, tossing his bag by the door and haphazardly kicking his shoes off. He twirled the phone cord around his finger as he listened to the ringing, waiting for Louis to pick up.


"Louis!" Harry sighed in relief. "Hi. How are you?"

I'm alright. Are you okay?

"I am. I'm sorry I didn't call you last night. Or answer.." He rubbed the back of his neck, frowning. "I just, I had a rough day."

It's alright. What happened?

"Not important." Harry rushed out. "Today is important. Today-- Louis. Fuck. Your book is going to be published, love."

What? Louis asked in surprise.

"You're gonna be a published author, love. Your book is getting published." Harry smiled proudly.

Are you serious?? Louis sounded shocked.

"Yeah, Lou. I'm serious. You're gonna be published. I'm so bloody proud of you."

Oh my god, Harry. Louis laughed excited over the phone. Fuck I wish you were here. I want to kiss you so bad.

Harry laughed, a grin covered his face and happy tears filled his eyes. "I wish I was there too, love. Soon, I promise. I've got some things to do for work with your book, but I'll be there so soon."

They talked and talked. Harry told Louis everything that happened to get approval to publish his book, and Louis had almost cried when Harry said Lou.. if I'm not brave enough to tell my boss that I'm gay, then I'm not brave enough for you.
They talked for awhile about Louis' teaching job, and Louis read Harry some poetry that he'd written recently. They talked until the sun had started to set and Harry's entire flat was filled with golden light.
He ended up sitting on the kitchen floor with the phone cord tucked between his fingers as he watched the shadows grow longer on the walls. They talked until the shadows stretched along the floor and only a sliver of light hit the kitchen. Harry pushed himself to stand up, keeping the phone to his ear, and turned on the lamp on the counter. He leaned back against the wall and listened to Louis talk with a fond, sleepy smile on his face.
They hung up long after the sun had set, and Harry made himself a quick dinner before heading to bed, exhausted but proud and content.

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Harry had had a busy couples of weeks, visiting every large book shop in London to see if they'd sell Louis' book. He came away with nothing but rejections. He'd been trying to keep positive about it, especially when he told Louis everything on their nightly phone calls. It made his heart and stomach hurt that Louis didn't even sound surprised that no one would carry his book.

A few days before the end of July, Harry had another post from Henry on his desk when he arrived at work. An invitation to his early book release and book signing. Harry grinned at Henry's shaky scrawl, he was both excited to support Henry and his new book, and to have a reason to visit Louis sooner. Harry had a few more chapters of the book he was currently editing, and stayed at work an hour and a half later than usual to get it done. He figured if he finished this assignment, he could afford to take time off for another trip to Scotland.

"Mr. Styles?" A deep voice caught Harry off guard as he finished scribbling a note in the page margins.

"Sir." He nodded when he saw his boss standing in the door frame.

"You're here late today." Mr. Oliver stepped further into his office, looking down at the book on his desk. "Mr. Kelly's book, yes?"

"Yes, sir. Just thought I'd stay late and finish it tonight. I, uh, I'm glad you stopped in actually."

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