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Harry woke from his spot on the couch before the sun had risen.
He stretched, aching from a night of restless sleep. He pushed himself off the couch and walked through the flat to take a quick shower.
It was still early, but he dressed in his suit and tugged his shoes on, leaving his flat a whole hour before he needed to be at work, Louis' manuscript tucked safely under his arm.

Harry arrived at Camden before anyone else. He walked up the few flights of stairs to his new office and stepped inside and shut the door. He set Louis' manuscript on his desk.
He'd woke with a fresh determination to not let Louis down.
A determination to prove to him, to Mr. Oliver, and to himself, that this way of loving was not something he would be afraid of.
Though how he would prove that, he still wasn't sure.

A light tap on the office door startled Harry out of his thoughts.

"It's open."

"You're here early." Mr. Oliver said casually as he propped the door open.

"I am. I uh- I wanted to talk to you actually. Before I start any new projects."

"Alright." Mr. Oliver stepped into Harry's office and pulled up a chair by his desk, letting Harry continue. "Go ahead."

Harry took a deep breath.
"Forgive me if I'm stepping out of line. I know I've just started this new position, and I'm very grateful you think highly of me enough to have me be Editor in Chief."
He picked up Louis' manuscript and ran his thumb over the title.
"But as Editor in Chief, it feels important for me to say that this is one of the best books that I have read in my four years at this company, and to be honest, just in general. It's written beautifully, it's unique, it's intense, it's inspiring, and it's everything this company is supposed to be looking for and what we pride ourselves in publishing. Just because the author is gay, and the subject matter of this book is clearly homosexual love, doesn't mean we shouldn't publish it."

"Harry-" Mr. Oliver sighed.

"This is a book that more people can relate to than I think you may realize."

"Harry, look. I'm not denying it's well written, or that it's a good book. From the bit I read, it's clear that this author is talented. But it's a huge risk for us to publish something like this."

"It's a risk I think we should take." Harry said confidently.
"Camden Press is one of the most respected publishing companies in London, and if anyone were to take this step, it should be us."

Mr. Oliver was silent for a moment, and he held out his hand for the manuscript.
Harry handed it to him.
He watched as his boss flipped through a handful of pages.

He sighed. "Harry. I understand where you're coming from. I do. You think people can relate to this."

"They can." He interrupted. "Sorry. Go on."

"I'm just not convinced it's in our company's best interest."

"How can I convince you that it is in Camden's best interest to publish his book?" Harry asked, trying his best to mask his desperation.

Mr. Oliver flipped through a few more pages, running his finger along the lines as he read a bit, and he sighed.
"Find me someone who can relate to this."

Harry swore he could feel his heart stop, and his blood turn cold in his veins.
Suddenly all of Louis' fears seemed overwhelmingly valid.
A fear of losing everything. Losing friends. Losing this job that he'd worked so hard for.
Because of who he was and who he loved.

Mr. Oliver had closed the book and rested it on his lap, waiting for Harry's response.

His breath rushed back into his lungs, his blood flow resumed, and his heart hammered proudly in his chest as he saw the title that Louis had so fittingly given his book.
Only for the Brave
And Louis' pen name below it.
L. William

"I can relate to it."
Somehow, the words came out clear and confident, even though his hands were shaking, a light sweat covering his brow and the back of his neck.

Mr. Oliver's thoughtful expression turned into a confused frown as he looked up at Harry.
"Come again?"

"I relate to it. I can relate to this book, and everything in it. I-- I'm gay. And this book is the first thing that I have ever read in my twenty six years that has made me feel this kind of understood, and I know it would do the same for so many other people. Sir, if you could just consider it. I think it's an important book for Camden to publish."
Harry felt like he was going to throw up, his hands wouldn't stop shaking, and his stomach clenched. He grasped at the edge of his desk to try and calm himself.

Mr. Oliver didn't speak for a few minutes. He just looked down at the book in his lap with a frown etched into his features.
Harry tried to focus on his breathing to keep from having a panic attack as he waited for some sort of response.

When Mr. Oliver finally looked up, Harry's palms were sweating, but he stood a bit taller, waiting for the fate of Louis' book and the fate of his job to be decided.

"Mr. Styles."
He handed the book back to Harry.

"Sir." He nodded.

"You've given me a lot to consider."

Harry waited.

"Best keep that information to yourself, lad. Other people might not take so kindly to it."

Harry nodded, his brows furrowed, waiting for something, some answer.

"We made you Editor in Chief for a reason, and I have to trust my decision, and trust you."

Harry's stomach clenched with anticipation.
Mr. Oliver eyed him, and Harry swore he saw something akin to pride under his stern facade.

"500 copies, first run. You're in charge of finding a retailer that will sell it, and if the 500 don't sell by the end of the year, it's pulled and redacted from Camden's publishing record. Understood?"

Harry's eyes widened and he nodded. "Yes, sir."

Mr. Oliver gave him a curt nod.
"Alright. You've got a lot of work to do then. I'll put in a confirmation for revision and publishing clearance. You can come by my office and sign off on it before the end of the day."

"Yes, sir." Harry agreed, a bit of shock wearing off as he realized what was happening.

"Alright. Have a nice day then Mr. Styles."

"Thank you, sir. You too." Harry nodded as Mr. Oliver left his office and shut the door behind him.

Harry's knees finally gave out like they'd been threatening to do since Mr. Oliver stepped into his office, and he sunk into his desk chair to try and regulate his breathing.

"Jesus Christ." he exhaled harshly, the shaking in his hands back with a vengeance.

He had told his boss he was gay. And he hadn't gotten fired. And he'd managed to get approval to publish Louis' book.
And the fight had been worth it.

Harry huffed out a laugh as he let his thumb rub over the title again. "I hope that was brave enough for you, Lou."

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